Example sentences of "[adv] i [verb] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 Right I said I 'll start tomorrow morning , I go to the Labour this afternoon , Court of Referees .
2 Right I think we 'll
3 Right I think we 'll have working now cos I 'm drying up quickly .
4 Right I suppose I 'll go round
5 Well eventually I think we 'll have to get to that to that standard .
6 He says to me he says to me he 's , I 've been two or three time while he been int garden he says every time you come in here you lock your car , he says why you 're only int garden , I says well I 've lived round here for a lot of years , ha , I says and when you 've lived here long enough I says you 'll be locking your car every time you get it out .
7 Well strangely enough I think we 'll have to have double rooms .
8 Only I think you 'll have to .
9 because we have , because it 's for the children , so I said we 'll do it , but that gives us an awful crush to get it in Friday the first week
10 So I said we 'll order a taxi , so we order a taxi .
11 So I said we 'll get out tickets and they 'll get their tickets tomorrow , we 're gon na get our tickets separately .
12 She said no I think I 'll go home I 'll be alright , so I took her back home about eleven and erm erm I kept phoning her every hour on the hour just to make sure she 's alright , then I said I want you just to promise me one thing you 're not do anything silly , I 'm here , I do n't care what it takes , I 'm here , so she said alright then , so I said it 'll break mum 's heart it 'll break dad 's heart ,
13 And I said well I was told she was ill so I said I wo n't ring her up then but I was thinking of ringing you up but will you be alright hopefully for next Friday ?
14 So I said I 'll look at it .
15 all them eggs you know , when we went to Alec , when they were selling these trays of eggs , er , we went there with Alec , so I said I 'll have one like , and they were really fresh , but when I got home I got that thing of , from Kwiksave , I got the whole packet , big packet
16 So I said I 'll have a couple of th they I said .
17 So I said I 'll leave you to think about that .
18 well , like I 'd say I 'd go down to post office , I say no I 'll go with ya , it was raining last Thursday , I said no I 'll go with ya , so I said I 'll wait and see if it 'll , it 'll be fine , but he 's not like that he 's an old , I would n't , well
19 which of course is rightly the , the domain of the District Council so I hope we wo n't get too involved in that .
20 So I hope you 'll understand that if I do n't include my subscription with this letter it 's not because I do n't support you and if I shop in Smiths it 's not because I want them to sell pornography .
21 Would that , I hope that will that er , you will agree to that , because we do n't want people hanging around waiting for us to go through all our items so I hope you 'll agree with that .
22 Yeah it wo n't be quite so I hope it wo n't be quite so bad on the M twenty five on the twenty third .
23 That is one of the roles of your Association and it is what your membership fees go towards and it is there to be used and they 've done their best so I hope it will come in very useful for you for this year and I wish you a very good year .
24 So I hope he will be able to accept this offer or request on behalf of many , many constituents of mine and I 'm sure of others too .
25 So I hope there will be other developments going on .
26 So I says I 'll pop down and go inside to see what like it is .
27 I do n't know when he goes , I have n't heard the story properly , cos I was upstairs and , er well Ron was half way upstairs and Eileen come on to the landing and I was in the bathroom , so I says I 'll come down , no she says you need n't bother cos we 're not staying we 've only just er come to see how you are
28 Mum had got Benjy so I thought we 'll pop up , see mum , get the dog .
29 so fortunately I was at home before he did so I thought we 'll have something quick then , just had a roll , you know , and I thought well I , i it 's not worth worrying about it and sort of
30 So I thought it 'll be interesting , be a laugh !
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