Example sentences of "[adv] was [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 The disparity between different sized companies mentioned opposite was found to be more pronounced in the software and services sector than for hardware companies .
2 They felt that with the Emperor 's death , their Christian God had deserted them , or had proven incomprehensibly capricious ; or more positively they felt that Allah suddenly was shown to be more powerful and
3 Other students joined in and before long , quite spontaneously , a crowd of some 200 or so was found to be singing lustily , with Leonard as the ecstatic , unselfconscious conductor .
4 Mistaken biological beliefs , such that the male alone was thought to be a full human being , underlay western culture , making this seem the more plausible .
5 Where normality for each group separately was found to be appropriate by using probability plots a two sample t test was used to compare the mean values of each variable of interest between the regulated and random groups .
6 IN the days when the British car industry was a joke , one firm more than any was considered to be a laughing stock .
7 I was too young to sign the consent form and when Malc arrived , he also was found to be too young .
8 They , too , will owe a lot to the boycotters and sanctioners , including one in particular that I used to revile and later was honoured to be able to call friend — also a keen cricketer , a left-hand bat who as a schoolboy in Pretoria was thought promising enough to be headed for a higher grade of cricket one day .
9 CONVICTED wife-killer James Rudman today was expected to be extradited to Britain from the Irish Republic .
10 One of the waterwheels that drove machinery here was said to be the biggest in England .
11 The objection here was held to be irrelevant .
12 Emphasis should be — and surely was intended to be — on the fact of breakdown , and not on the formal technicalities of establishing such breakdown .
13 ‘ I should think he looked around for something heavy that would take glue , and with all that junk lying around there was bound to be something .
14 Over a period some mistakes had been made and several members of the Committee were not in full agreement , but if ideas and plans were to be achieved there was bound to be hard talking at Meetings .
15 But later he had talked to her and she had told him how she , too , wanted , indeed was determined to be an actress one day , and he had looked quite serious , and offered to take her to watch a rehearsal and meet the cast .
16 At four shillings a copy it came within the purse of most and indeed was judged to be ‘ a manual to the whole kingdom ’ .
17 She said moving the pupils back and forward was bound to be unsettling and confusing for them .
18 A second version of ‘ La Danse ’ painted in 1932 which until very recently was thought to be the first was donated by Matisse to the Petit Palais in Paris in 1936 .
19 It never was designed to be one .
20 Fontenoy too was designed to be a watershed — washing away the detritus of the past , opening up a clear future .
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