Example sentences of "[adv] is [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 He says having two children close together is bound to be hard work .
2 There remain finally the imported materials , of which timber alone is alleged to be a real limitation .
3 Edinburgh council alone is thought to be owed one hundred thousand pounds .
4 The value of exports is assumed to be determined by factors outside the domestic circular flow and so is assumed to be exogenous in our model .
5 In favour of a person dealing with a company in good faith , the power of the board of directors to bind the company or to authorize others to do so is deemed to be free from any limitations under the company 's constitution ( i.e. memorandum of association ) .
6 The site supports a large number and wide variety of bird species and so is considered to be a Wetland Site of International Importance .
7 The motion that the Prime Minister has proposed for decision by the House tonight is intended to be so meaningless that any Tory Member can vote for it while interpreting it to suit himself or herself .
8 If costs are quadratic and investors minimize current and expected future costs , then the cost function has the form : where d i is a discount factor ( which hereafter is assumed to be unity ) .
9 The current Tsunami run meanwhile is said to be exceeding expectations in speed and yield .
10 A ROYAL Ulster Constabulary officer killed by a single shot yesterday is believed to be the third victim of an IRA sniper using a fearsome long-range rifle .
11 The hottest programme now is said to be on missiles that would destroy their targets within the atmosphere but without using a nuclear warhead .
12 The asking price now is rumoured to be in the region of £15m .
13 It could be argued , however , that if a PhD really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
14 It could be argued , however , that if a Ph D really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
15 Although BST is said to be safe and effective , the Commission says its use to produce " turbocharged " cows , capable of producing 20 per cent more milk , can not be justified on animal welfare or economic grounds at a time of overproduction by the EC 's dairy farmers .
16 A MAN who was attacked and left unconscious outside a pub at Buckley two weeks ago is said to be in a stable condition in hospital .
17 The use of in-depth qualitative methods is relatively untried in driver research , but here is shown to be most valuable .
18 The crypt that remains here is thought to be the best-preserved Romanesque crypt in Lombardy and contains remains from paleo-Christian times through to the Renaissance .
19 The treatment here is thought to be novel .
20 The landing area , 140 yards across is claimed to be ‘ the widest fairway in Christendom ’ .
21 OPPOSITE This posthumous portrait of Mozart was painted by Barbara Krafft in 1819 , 28 years after the composer 's death , and yet is considered to be a true likeness .
22 Another one is advertised as a ’ sabretooth survival saw ’ and it again is said to be able to pass unnoticed through metal detectors .
23 ELSE is evaluated , FALSE=0 and anything else is considered to be TRUE .
24 However , it too is thought to be moving to catch up with the market .
25 In the general theory of relativity the natural frame anywhere is chosen to be a frame in free fall , but we can not cover the whole Universe with one frame .
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