Example sentences of "[adv] it be [conj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly it was as though they were n't enemies at all , but locked in a passionate , warm embrace .
2 Or perhaps it is that if we try to take on the identity and authority of the Weaving Mother the consequences will be severe ; our own personal weavings are only part of a much greater pattern , which we can not control or take credit for .
3 So it is that when Mr Major explains that he has , by devaluing the pound , given British industry an exceptional chance to improve its exports , he insists that ‘ this did not come about as a deliberate act of policy ’ .
4 So it was that although in those days I was often homesick , missing Harry , missing Daisy , it was never unbearable .
5 So it was that when I was asked to contribute an account of Elizabeth Taylor 's novels to a book of reference I remembered these words and wrote that her motive power was Love : ‘ Not the love that is a four-letter word , nor yet anything so theoretical as Christian charity , but most certainly a great virtue . ’
6 So it was that when the Hundred Years War began , although both the French and the English kingdoms had particular naval objectives which they needed to further for military reasons , neither could be said to have possessed a proper navy .
7 So it was that when the defendant was arraigned he pleaded guilty to manslaughter and counsel stated in open court that the Crown was prepared to accept that plea .
8 So I rang you and then Lyn said yeah I 'll get her to call you and then you rang me back so it was as though Lyn had give you the message to call me
9 And thus it was that when the day shift set off back to the Barracks that evening , Jackie Tiptoe remained behind , suspended from the ceiling like a crooked spider snarled up in its own web .
10 And all at once it was as though a fire raged between them , scorching their hungry bodies , sending sparks into the air around them .
11 Instead Rory had found out only when Ken had had his first story published , and now it was as though they were passing each other travelling in opposite directions ; Ken slowly but surely building up a reputation as a children 's story-teller while his own supposed career as a professional recounter of traveller 's tales sank gradually in the west .
12 She had been almost unnaturally brave for so long , and now it was as though she had been given licence to cry over everything .
13 Normally there was a background hum of noise , but now it was as though the entire city had come to a standstill , halted and muffled beneath a thick , enveloping blanket of fog .
14 But today it was as though Doyle and the Woman needed to be together , even though they were not talking .
15 He 's complaining because I , well it 's as though we run a minute mile .
16 That 's making it er or well it 's or and is n't it ?
17 Well it was but whether it 's erm try it again from cold I think .
18 Sometimes it was as though the risk and the pleasure had grown together , nourishing each other .
19 What are the names of your children ? ’ ) , or night comes so abruptly it is as though someone has pulled down a blind .
20 Indeed it was as though she had n't spoken , because his attention appeared to be fully centred upon Doreen .
21 Yet it is as though some unseen power is switching them on and off .
22 Yet it was as though that night , in the moonlight , in the silence , as though even the work , the months of steady labour , had only been an illusion , only the dream of work , the dream of progress , and I had not even begun and never would begin , though at different moments in my life I might have had the illusion that I had begun and even , perhaps , finished .
23 He did not move , and yet it was as though he had reached out and touched her , the lick of his gaze like a flame spreading fever throughout every part of her .
24 and therefore it was when when you would go in there it was quite cool .
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