Example sentences of "[adv] it be [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 You half expect their quiet moments to be a mere ‘ quiet before the storm ’ intro to some Metallica prog-thrash epic about hellspawn putrefaction , but then they meander into Sonic Youth discordant territory , then suddenly it 's walls of sonic bliss , then it 's off into a sample-aided , arse-quaking , ‘ Die asshole muthaf—er ’ industrial rant , then some tedious feedback wanking then … erm , that 's it .
2 Perhaps it 's part of the drink/driving campaign reaching people who ride the sky in a sleigh drawn by reindeer .
3 Perhaps it 's sort of on there yeah .
4 Or perhaps it 's sort of some dressed up character .
5 Or perhaps it was kind of Alan .
6 Perhaps it was part of a plan to hurt her , to punish her , for her unhappy suspicions about him .
7 Perhaps it was love of Araminta or perhaps , glancing at Alfred , it was pique that his lordship had reverted to Alice .
8 We are unable to get addresses of our so it 's word of mouth how we , how we er include , but why should not the employer send to all pensioners and deferred pensioners notices about the associations .
9 So it 's part of you know , part of the the penalty if you like , of living in the flats .
10 So it 's part of this larger view of psychoanalysis that was emerging in the thirties .
11 It 's no good doing the most lovely building right down a drive where no-one can see it , so it 's part of the environment for all of us .
12 So it 's line of symmetry there and that is n't a line of symmetry .
13 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
14 So it 's sort of two
15 So it 's sort of er three things we 're trying to do there .
16 But they do talk more directly to boys than girls , so it 's sort of graded in that way .
17 So it 's sort of
18 So it 's sort of , you know , we want to be favoured because we want all the reward , we want to be given a sweet , we want
19 So it 's sort of a mobility thing and erm I think people will notice it on erm on that kind of level erm but as I say it 's a gradual process it 's cumulative and erm
20 Now , so , that up there so it 's sort of facing the right way .
21 So it 's sort of quite sad really .
22 Well of course they are behind the line of your house , I mean but even so it 's sort of , erm
23 Like , so it 's sort of self-contained in one
24 and then somebody else has it , so it 's sort of once a month or something it turns up and they have sort of an extensive thing on it , I think that 's the way it works .
25 You know , sort of back comb it out so it 's sort of
26 So it 's sort of can float up because of pull pulling it down .
27 So it was kind of an issue that was felt not to be happening in , but there was fear that it could it could be introduce you know , as I say , from outside .
28 right so it was kind of it was a religious accusation .
29 So it was kind of energy conservation , yes
30 Erm and so it was sort of going to the corner shop and buying what they could , er when they had the money , and sometimes they would borrow money from somebody whose benefit came on a different day .
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