Example sentences of "[adv] to her [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She opened her long arms and let them fall gently to her sides again with another smile , gesturing to a couch and taking a seat herself nearby .
2 Plainly she possessed none , except perhaps to her cat-creature far away , which she had condemned to death .
3 Once the Cabinet purges of 1980 and 1981 had been completed , a large proportion of the Cabinet were what Nye Bevan would have called ‘ staircase ’ men , who owed their high office entirely to her patronage rather than any independent standing in the Conservative Party .
4 But when I said as much to Mala , as a joke to ease the tension that still showed in her eyes , she merely called me an unrepeatable name and stalked away to her cabin again .
5 Sex and sin were , to her , synonymous , and she wondered how on earth she was going to convey tastefully to her audience how much sin was in these volumes .
6 She realised how close to her Luke suddenly was , and panic leapt .
7 He went on , more to her father now than to her , in his light drawling voice she had to listen to in church every Sunday of her life telling them all what was what because he had the God-given power to do so and they had to listen and obey .
8 The necklace was a collar of dull silver , two hinged silver pieces knobbed with moonstones which snapped into place around her lean neck and rose up almost to her chin so that she could hardly move her head .
9 ‘ I value Elsbeth 's high standing among authors and agents , ’ commented Mr Trewin , ‘ and look forward to her contribution not only to Weidenfeld but also to the Orion Group as a whole . ’
10 I can remember looking forward to her arrival so that there would be three of us to play games .
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