Example sentences of "[adv] in the [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At every major tournament there is a police presence , partly to control the crowds , partly for security reasons since a lot of money is collected at the gate ; and occasionally to deal with spectators who have lingered too long in the beer tents .
2 The new factories frequently centralized the processes of manufacture which had formerly been dispersed among the cottages , especially in the textile industries .
3 Unemployment was less easily ignored ; it reached a peak in the winter of 1902–03 and remained high , especially in the winter months , throughout the Conservatives ' period in office .
4 It was a difficult journey , especially in the winter months when the vagaries of intemperate and often violent weather meant that remote airports could be closed down within minutes .
5 The interrelationships between bureaus , their clients , the political executive , legislative assembly and public are more complex than some economic models of bureaucracy allow , especially in the welfare services .
6 We gained ready access to heads ' thinking on such matters , especially in the sample schools .
7 By the nineteenth century , however , and especially in the life sciences , the metaphysics that had underpinned the work of Copernicus , Kepler , and Newton had become obstructive .
8 At age 16 the General Certificate of Secondary Education ( GCSE ) should be the main form of assessment , especially in the core subjects ; ( e ) the results of assessment should be used both formatively to help better teaching and to inform decisions about next steps for a pupil , and summatively at ages 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 to inform parents in simple and clear terms about their child 's progress .
9 At age 16 the General Certificate of Secondary Education ( GCSE ) should be the main form of assessment , especially in the core subjects ;
10 I mean , it happens all over the world , you know , in in the in the especially in the whatsname countries .
11 Ensemble is not always clean , and the strings sound rather undernourished , but for sheer daring — especially in the percussion roots of the finale — it easily eclipses subsequent versions .
12 Particular attention should be paid to facilitating communication between the partners , especially in the treatment sessions .
13 Our problem with Sir Thomas Beecham was that he usually kept talking to the orchestra while he conducted , and his words of encouragement or complaint came through loudly , especially in the pianissimo passages .
14 They are changed for individual requirements , especially in the mountain stages .
15 I think the er , the sort of looked after her as well , especially in the evening times .
16 The City was beginning to wake up to the fact that the Labour movement , all told , had a great deal of money at its disposal — especially in the pension funds of Labour-controlled local authorities .
17 That is an inadequate answer , given that more than a year ago there was a severe weather crisis throughout the country , especially in the east midlands district where 2 million people were without supplies , some of them for a considerable period .
18 They are much used by those on their way to shops , schools or work , especially in the summer months , but they do not meet the needs of large numbers of pedestrians in a variety of ways , such as their uneven or discontinuous walking surfaces , lack of lighting , limited destinations served and so forth .
19 Scorton caters for large numbers of holiday visitors especially in the summer months and it would seem sensible to keep the toilets open at least until after dusk .
20 They drew attention to the difficulties of knowing which local authority was responsible for a particular service — especially in the county areas .
21 In consequence , concern is mounting in the University over its ability ( a ) to maintain the core of qualified staff who provide essential services and continuity , especially in the science departments , by way of research support , and ( b ) to provide an internal career structure which will prevent a wasteful loss of skilled and experienced staff .
22 Henry V and his son employed some whose names can be spotted on muster rolls , not infrequently fulfilling a specialist capacity , especially in the artillery trains .
23 But communist and other militants were active , especially in the railway workshops , and during the 1960s they managed to organize industrial action , put up their own candidates for elections within the vertical union framework , and published a sporadic newssheet ( Martino de Jugo 1980 ; Bulnes 1967 ) .
24 Lavishly illustrated , especially in the restoration chapters , this book is a worthy tribute to one of the classic transport aircraft of all time .
25 Conflict : To avoid such losses the securities firm may seek to place these at a suitable price in other parts of the conglomerate structure — perhaps in the trust accounts of the commercial bank .
26 He had even made a suggestion about a piece she might write on the role of women in the Tory Party , perhaps in the Government Whips ' Office .
27 I do n't think it 's gon na be possible this week but perhaps in the Easter holidays erm
28 In one sense , this is not easy , for the archaeologist has done less in the hill towns of Italy than in England .
29 Prosperity and rising prices were reflected in new building in the towns and in a rapidly rising population — only in the rice regions did public prosperity impair public health .
30 The spectra of π-allyl complexes of nickel and palladium shown in Fig. 5.7 include some bands seen only in the IR spectra , some seen only in the Raman spectra , and some seen in neither .
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