Example sentences of "[adv] in [pos pn] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She dropped her lifted velvet skirts ( she had been warming her bottom in front of the fire burning fiercely in its basket grate ) as the girls appeared .
2 It is the least restored Gothic cathedral in Sweden , especially in its east end where the choir ambulatory , its star and lierne vaults on supporting pillars and the traceried windows are of great quality and beauty .
3 It is this area , especially in its safety aspects , that is the most important responsibility of the physical effects supervisor , whose work often ends where that of the optical effects supervisor is just really beginning .
4 His bold , unflinching approach to racing has won him a devoted following , especially in his home country .
5 Professor Roger Scruton made himself the spearhead of the academic attack , especially in his Peace Studies : A Critical Survey ( with Baroness Cox , 1984 ) , and Education and Indoctrination ( with Angela Ellis-Jones and Dennis O'Keefe , 1985 ) .
6 None the less , the subtly corruptive potential of a percentage fee system , especially in our enterprise culture , is not hard to imagine .
7 In his book 's conclusion , he writes : ‘ It has been my sad experience , again and again , especially in my Aids ministry , to witness the damning effects of my church 's institutionalised God on young people 's souls .
8 He also disclosed that the GDA planned to turn the Garden Festival Site into a commercial area linked to the Scottish Exhibitions and Conference Centre to make it perform better : ‘ Many of Glasgow 's major assets are n't performing well enough in their city building role . ’
9 Only the hull mounted cellular disrupter was flexible enough in its calibration response for what he had in mind .
10 God , she was bad enough in her shell suits .
11 If high nitrates , phosphates , pesticides and heavy metals were n't enough in your tap water , the Daily Telegraph reports that a parasitic bug Crypto-sporidium is now appearing in the Lake District 's tap water and causing sickness , vomiting and diarrhoea .
12 No need to panic , but it 's worth checking there 's going to be enough in your insurance company 's kitty to pay off your home-loan when the time comes .
13 Himalayan Kingdoms are to be congratulated on organising the first commercial British expedition to an 8000m peak , but Alan Hinkes does not tell us enough in his article Broad Peak in the June issue .
14 Miss Tan could not be charged with running a brothel because she worked alone in her basement flat .
15 So in your opening paragraph , that 's what you say .
16 So in your drafting books please .
17 So in my view design is absolutely fundamental and at the very core of most businesses .
18 It says so in my C V !
19 Labour , for example , whose position was voiced by shadow education secretary Jack Straw , was correct to complain that Britain currently invests considerably less in its research base than most of our industrial competitors .
20 They came to the conclusion that trusts offered a significant advantage only in their Republican days ; in that period it may well be that peregrines and other disadvantaged classes made good use of them .
21 ‘ Tête-à-Tête ’ and closely related ‘ Jumblie ’ , differing only in its backswept petals , are multi-headed varieties .
22 ICI 's strength in the polypropylene market lies not only in its manufacturing technology which enables it to produce materials specially adapted to customer 's needs but also in the integrated structure of Chemicals & Polymers Limited .
23 Another academic suggested that Clinton 's ties with Britain lie only in his Oxford education , that he lacks the sentimental camaraderie of the last generation of US presidents who remembered , first hand , Britain as a redoubtable ally first against fascism and then communism .
24 As he was talking , he was sliding out of bed , still trying to face his wife , but finally leaping up with a glad cry and rushing for the door , clad only in his pyjama top , his penis smacking against his thighs as he ran , as she noted .
25 He had women not only in his church choir ( it is the first known instance ) but also in too close association with the life and pastoral work of the clergy .
26 Neighbours found Alan , 66 , struggling to his feet dressed only in his boxer shorts .
27 All 14 normal people had the non-mutant version of the gene , whereas the cancer patient had the mutant gene not only in his tumour cells , but in his normal bladder and blood cells as well .
28 The cost of health care shows up not only in your family budget , but in the price of everything we buy and everything we sell .
29 ‘ Oh , 'e do n't believe in tin clocks , only in 'is pocket watch , ’ said Mrs Goodbody .
30 It is not only the sects that are guilty of fortress mentalities : we have come to believe that God is to be found only in our prayer groups , fellowships and denominational congregations .
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