Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The buyer says , tapping a file with his finger , ‘ You 'll have to do much better in terms of price .
2 ‘ We can scarcely do any better in terms of results we 're winning regularly , we 're second in the League , still in the Cup … but given what 's happening off the pitch , it 's a bloody miracle we 're not bottom . ’
3 be of a high quality , eg in terms of accuracy and cross-references
4 Alternatively , there could be a strong corporate role , giving the staff concerned the right to direct key functional aspects of marketing in the divisions , eg in terms of product-design , corporate image , and marketing control information systems .
5 Make comparisons , where appropriate , between different works , eg in terms of theme or characterisation or style .
6 Make comparisons , where appropriate , between different works , eg in terms of theme or characterisation or style .
7 From many heads of department written comments were received , especially in cases of errors of fact , and the head summarized these .
8 Francis Power Cobbe 's pamphlet of 1878 , Wife Torture , which was basically concerned with crimes of violence in working-class districts , especially in cases of men against their wives , was a major influence leading to the drafting of the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1878 , which gave magistrates powers to grant separation orders and maintenance to a wife whose husband was convicted of aggravated assault , plus custody of children under ten .
9 Yet , having done this , it should pay particular attention to the emotions rather than to the ‘ facts ’ , or the rationalizations and justifications we all tend to use in order to shroud our feelings , especially in times of stress .
10 Now I 've used it elsewhere in the garden and I 've never really had any problem with it except it is inclined to make the water very alkaline because the chippings that are quite often used on a flat roof and they 've got a very high P H and therefore you 've got to be aware that the water that comes off is not likely to be soft it 's more likely to be fair fairly hard but for reasonably tough plants I do n't think I would waste it , especially in times of water shortage .
11 She was successful , but it was not always enough to be in difficulties to get the union committee 's approval , especially in times of unemployment .
12 When a community language teacher makes her or himself available to parents , especially in times of crisis , greater support and recognition can be gained , and the traditional mistrust of secondary schools on the part of parents , particularly working class parents can be eroded .
13 Cannabis comes from hemp , which was among the first plants to be domesticated , especially in parts of South-East Asia , where it is a valuable source of fibre for making rope and twine .
14 In others they will be more difficult , especially in terms of performance in competition .
15 Among the successes were a measure of economic progress , particularly in agriculture and especially in terms of grain production .
16 From 1771 onwards a series of codes for different provinces , beginning with Silesia , had set for the first time clear official limits to what the lords could demand of their peasants , especially in terms of labour-services .
17 Britain performed particularly badly in the 1970s immediately after she joined the Common Market , especially in terms of growth in output and of her annual average rate of inflation .
18 Of course , most of them thrive on it , but many people are beginning to wonder if the rewards for having power , and being able to influence others , are worth the costs , especially in terms of family relationships .
19 The closeness of consumer and producer has made it easier for the Registry to expect and to receive from the Computer Centre a computing service of commercial standards , especially in terms of quality and meeting deadlines .
20 It is therefore timely to access the extent to which payment system changes have been made , the reasons for them , and their significance especially in terms of productivity .
21 The radioactive gas occurs naturally in parts of Britain , and concentrations can build up in houses .
22 Some authors are lucky enough to think naturally in terms of story .
23 Still she pulled herself upwards , beset by thoughts of falling , of breaking a leg , of dying all alone in shadows of vermilion where Maggie would never see her .
24 More seriously , two other possibilities are to knit only the front of the garment in the pattern and the back and sleeves in stocking stitch , or in the case of this pattern , perhaps in stripes of pattern based on stitches 12 and 13 of the pattern .
25 Still , without returning on our tracks and urging the rigorist position ( that one must always do as much good as possible ) , there must be some kind of requirement that one do as little harm as possible , in terms of actual pain ( though not perhaps in terms of pleasure prevented ) in order to achieve the good one does .
26 That will be expressed perhaps in terms of target response , waiting time and accuracy in carrying out the service , and always in terms of courtesy and helpfulness from staff .
27 Indeed , pastorals and georgics in the generation before Duck 's emergence had varied greatly in degrees of artificiality .
28 There are a number of anti-glare screen filters appearing on the market varying greatly in terms of materials used , style and price .
29 There are a number of anti-glare screen filters appearing on the market varying greatly in terms of materials used , style and price .
30 But more recently banks have been providing other forms of merger funding-'mezzanine debt' , which does not rate as highly in terms of claims against the company 's assets , but provides additional financial resources .
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