Example sentences of "[adv] and i was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've never been so near to causing a dock strike , ’ says Chris , who adds : ‘ I could n't apologise quickly enough and I was forgiven .
2 I finished every day mostly at one o'clock and I was to start at half past five the next morning .
3 After that , Mr Dance went away and I was given some food .
4 It was n't a nice ten minutes , all the consoling thoughts I 'd scraped together during the night ran away and I was left alone .
5 So do I and I was just talking to her downstairs and I was asking her like the differences between here and the States , you know the boar cos she was in a boarding school before , and she was saying erm how you know just generally the people are nicer and the blokes talk to you not just because you 're cos they
6 ‘ It was about 5.30pm , pouring with rain outside and I was making Sophie 's tea when a preacher came to the door and broke the news , but like everyone in that situation you just do n't believe it .
7 I did a a complete song and it 's finished , right and I was thinking of actually erm seeing my mate in London who 'd get it cut on vinyl record .
8 Campaign on a what do you call it and erm and funny enough I was reading the Campaign yesterday and I was looking at the er thing and they 've got a sale on have n't they ?
9 ‘ That was yesterday and I was solving a different problem then . ’
10 Before I could persuade him to change his mind , the summer was over , everyone went home and I was left behind .
11 Describing in today 's Sunday Times of Johannesburg how he found Stompie 's body in Mrs Mandela 's house , Morgan said : ‘ One morning I got to the house early and I was told by Winnie to pick up the dog and dump him .
12 It opened almost at once and I was confronted by the old lady .
13 Probably , I do n't know actually it 's really weird it keeps going it went once and I was playing hockey , it was really embarrassing I 'd just played the ball
14 A few minutes later and I was getting into the rescue ambulance for a short ride to the Belford Hospital in Fort William .
15 My mother found me floating face downwards and I was saved by artificial respiration .
16 Wavebreaker settled on her new course and , by the time the small hours were growing , we had left the island 's lights well behind and I was cutting her prow hard into real ocean waves .
17 We were on to the pudding course by now and I was attacking a delicious crème brûlée with great gusto , while Sally sensibly preferred the fresh fruit salad .
18 Nothing like this had ever happened to me before and I was determined to make a swift counterattack .
19 I sa , I was sat there and and then we was in maths , like the lesson before and I was going Zena , I do n't wan na do P E !
20 Cos I used this look , I said that erm I 'd re I had represented his father in an accident case some years before and I was acquainted with the family in a casual way , and I said this may suggest , because he was saying you can make up and you can , this is a bit when you can use your imagination , and I said this may suggest that his father , you know he 'd like , because it the way he says that , I 'd represented his father , I was acquainted , you know maybe that he knows he 's used to that kind of erm behaviour from the family , you know , and he knows what Eddie 's like his fa I do n't know I might be completely wrong but I used my imagination there .
21 A long-tailed skua glided serenely overhead and I was entranced by its beauty .
22 Two years after that , when he had saved enough money , my Mum went as well and I was left in the care of my grandmother , Anita Morrison .
23 I bought it a few months ago and I was assured they were waterproof . ’
24 I was actually mugged on holiday er then years ago and I was held up with a gun and it was the most horrendous feeling
25 My father died erm sixteen years ago and I was put on to tranquillizers , up until that point I had never needed a drug in my life , and I was put onto tranquillizers and I had a terrible experience !
26 Raymond was here and I was going out with her
27 All I know even when I first even when I first got here and I was working
28 ‘ Me wages are in there and I was taking them to me ma .
29 ‘ I felt that it was going really well out there and I was enjoying it .
30 Do you know when I went out to the maths thing I was waiting for , I was there and I was heard about these forgotten a calculator !
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