Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 We reported a couple of years back that just as leading US companies like IBM Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co were adopting Total Quality Management with messianic zeal , the Japanese had decided that it was not good enough and had moved on to Zero-Defects Management , and the Financial Times ' Observer column offers an example of just why : it has a release that flags ‘ the first major conference on Total Quality Management for Pension Finds ’ .
2 A little boy came out of the woods opposite and began skiing down the slope towards the road .
3 We were thrown together and had to get on with it . ’
4 He merely shifted position slightly , knotted his fingers more tightly together and continued gazing out of the window .
5 The men were happy again , the colour back in their faces as they talked together and began to walk on .
6 The men turned together and started to walk back to the hotel .
7 ' 'Lo , Olga , ’ she said mechanically and moved to pass out of the same door ; but Mrs Stych wanted to show off her outfit .
8 I guessed , as everyone else must have done , that at some point she could not manage her life any longer and had gone out and stepped into the stream as a way of escape .
9 When the woman was upset and thoroughly bewildered we were sent away and told to report back later that afternoon .
10 A very large number have been turned away and told to go back home . ’
11 Marion turned away and began to pile up assorted biscuits in red and green tins , holly-decked and dotted about with fat robins in honour of Christmas .
12 He hurled himself away and tried to climb out .
13 He sought resolve and found a little and went to lie down on the bed to read a paperback of Anna Karenina , which he had always fancied because it had a scene on a railway platform .
14 I was now able to breathe properly and started to feel over my body with both hands .
15 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
16 Kelly smiled politely and went to weigh in .
17 She knelt quickly and began scooping up the shards .
18 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
19 NATIONAL union leaders and shop stewards representing Leyland-DAF workers met in Birmingham yesterday and resolved to step up the campaign to keep all five British plants open .
20 NATIONAL union leaders and shop stewards representing Leyland-DAF workers met in Birmingham yesterday and resolved to step up the campaign to keep all five British plants open .
21 Meanwhile , Llandundo put on a brave face yesterday and struggled to get back to normal after last week 's devastating floods .
22 LITHUANIA 'S former Communist Party leader Algirdas Brazauskas emerged as the republic 's new president yesterday and promised to speed up privatisation and promote foreign investment .
23 He cleared his throat once more and resumed staring up at the ceiling .
24 She had detoured through the town 's central square on the way home and had sat down on a bench , raising her head to the trees .
25 It was after six when she got home and started clearing up the detritus of lunch .
26 After just six weeks she returned home and refused to go back .
27 ONE AFTERNOON KĀLI BROUGHT THE COWS HOME EARLY AND CAME rushing over to ask me to go to the forest with her to collect a load of pine-needles .
28 She came up once and tried to get out a cry for help to the others standing there , but the laughing gripped her lungs and they thought she was fooling .
29 As Shirley sped away , Heather seized a branch of a tree that was lying on the ground near and began to beat out the flames with it .
30 Phil looked at him queerly and began to back off .
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