Example sentences of "[adv] and [conj] [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 She had hinted darkly that Wilson herself must be to blame , that she must have been weak , must not have written plain enough and as she had been instructed .
2 Diana admitted to Penny that she could n't bear the pressure of her position any longer and that she had to leave the system .
3 At Zandvoort , Clermont-Ferrand and Silverstone , he won handily and though he had only third and fifth gears , Jackie virtually clinched the championship with his second place at the Nürburgring .
4 They had claimed containers of worms found in their car had been dug in an unprotected area elsewhere and that they had stopped at the bay to gather mussels .
5 When he was satisfied that he was all right and that no-one had heard him , he picked up the brown bag and moved into the safety of the trees .
6 Residents often heard police ask Leanne if she was all right and if she had slept .
7 ‘ He told me they had auditioned a lot of people back home and that they had five names in America that they were auditioning , and I was the first that day .
8 It is in domestic architecture that Ostia provides the most interesting revelations for here are astonishingly well preserved remains of insulae , the tenement blocks which must have been constructed in quantity in Rome itself and , since Ostia is so near and as it had such close association with the capital , probably of a very similar character .
9 Samuel Hitching stated that he examined the Coffin carefully and that it had two canvas patches on where there were decayed places in the Wood — he also measured the thickness of the Board and they were only 5/8 of an inch at top and ½ an inch thick at the bottom — the lid was also warped that they could not screw it down properly-One of the bearers also stated that he was afraid it would fall in pieces before they got to the Church with it .
10 He 'd been in the house for nearly six weeks now and although he had not yet been called upon to take part in a Vibrancy performance , he had all the time in the world to practise .
11 One student had been asked if she had used Prestel before and as she had not , the librarian , consulting with the Borough Careers Office attached to the college and the head of External Services who arranges placements , devised three short problem-solving exercise which simulated real inquiries .
12 Young children went to lace-schools from the age of five upwards and after they had reached twelve they were expected to earn their keep .
13 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendants , contending that , because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendants .
14 The plaintiff brought an action in negligence against the defendant , contending that because the fire had been started negligently and because he had been injured as a result , he was entitled to recover damages from the defendant .
15 Of course , the coroner drank as if there was no tomorrow and when he had had his fill , leaned back against the pillar of the huge fireplace , belched , and pronounced himself satisfied .
16 ‘ He 'd schooled very well and although I had hoped for a lead for a bit longer , we had to go on where we did .
17 He told them that he had separated from his Argentinian-born wife four years ago and that she had returned to Buenos Aires .
18 This animal had begun to grunt and go off her milk two days ago and when I had seen her yesterday I had flirted from one possibility to the other .
19 Tell him that if there 'd been any chemistry between us at all , I would have married you years ago and if he had any bloody sense he 'd do it now — in fact , forget it , I 'll tell him myself . ’
20 The idea that Stamford was the centre of Mercian government was invented by William Stukeley in the 1730s from his belief that Alchfrith had held his court here and that it had formerly been Hengist 's town .
21 The weather became very bitter up here and because it had been a bad summer I had kept two of my cattle in the byre by the house all the time .
22 Documents discovered in a raid on offices of the Salsabeel computer company in Heliopolis showed , he said , that the group was financed from abroad and that it had links with Islamic investment companies in Egypt and the Moslem Brotherhood .
23 In your professional work after you have qualified , you will rarely be allowed time to do everything twice and so you had better learn now .
24 It is survival of the fittest out there and if I had to do it again I believe I would .
25 The Robemaker turned his head and Nuadu felt a sudden white piercing pain deep inside his mind and he knew at once that the Robemaker had made use of the ancient , forbidden Stroicim Inchinn again and that he had pierced into his secret thoughts .
26 So we just stayed anywhere and if you had n't got anywhere to go
27 It 's just that you , your better of space if you have that one and you can books down there or on them whatever you want too and if you had that one , you 'd be able to have a , erm another cupboard as well probably .
28 Steve would have read her note , waited for her to phone and say she had arrived safely and when she had n't he would have driven up to the north of the island to find her .
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