Example sentences of "[adv] of [art] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 So far I have been able to copy the index made by the South West Shropshire Historical & Archaeological Society , through the kind offices of Mrs Janet Preshous , a B C R S Member who wrote the excellent book ‘ Bishop 's Castle Well Remembered ’ and Mrs Halford , late of the County Records Office .
32 Some at least of the History requirements may be delivered through cross-curricular topic work .
33 If this is the case , it implies that some at least of the feedback systems maintaining human wellbeing may be in difficulties simply because they are being called upon to function near the limits of their capacity .
34 Interviews were conducted by the research officer or the alcohol project worker ( instead of the course leaders ) to ensure confidentiality ; and a semi-structured interview guide was used .
35 I 've got to go to the loo in a minute anyway after I steal one of your cigarettes , notice the word cigarettes instead of the word fags oh I do n't know , I think I 'll go and sell my body , might make a couple of quid and leg it down the
36 Now do the above exercise with the tuck controls instead of the slip controls .
37 Neville Chamberlain was still lamenting that Baldwin did not attack the Government instead of the press lords .
38 Ergonomically , the layout is hard to fault but the space allocated for the otherwise clear and attractive instrumentation seems to have shrunk — it would have been far better to have the computer readout under the dials instead of the heater controls — and we question the need for such extravagantly styled air vents .
39 For example , if enterprise zones were supposed to create jobs or to boost new enterprises or to engender ‘ high-tech ’ industries , a more precise targeting of incentives could have been devised instead of the blanket concessions on offer .
40 Troops had to use 1977 tourist maps that had such points of interest as nutmeg factories instead of the grid coordinates needed in battle .
41 At the same time it received a B.2 trolley mast , hoops over the end of the upper deck , folding platform steps and slatted gates between the bogies instead of the wire cages .
42 In more detail , cacheing utilities are capable of amassing copies of data from frequently accessed areas of the hard disk , which are used instead of the disk versions — and they do n't have to be contiguous ( though if they are , things get faster still ) .
43 Some now have breeze-block houses with zinc roofs , instead of the mud huts they started with — and they 've funded them out of their own savings .
44 In May 1835 , the relieving officer of the new Chailey Union was set on by thirty men in Ringmer , demanding ‘ money or blood ’ ; they got their relief in cash instead of the food tickets he offered .
45 This , I believe , is against the law , but it is a law that deserves to be broken , for it is the puritanical nonsense of excluding children — and therefore to some extent , women — from pubs that has turned these places into mere boozing-shops instead of the family gathering-places that they ought to be . ’
46 But a lot of the evidence which convicted the gang was found in rubbish left outside Lawless Cottage , collected by detectives instead of the bin men .
47 Instead of the almond eyes of the soon-to-be-beatified , the gaping mouth of welcomed suffering superimposed on the Saint 's visage was my own .
48 Instead of the stock stories about Bogarde 's early films , we went for a bit of drama as he lives in France and Arthur Marshall hated the French .
49 Accuracy of digital data collection ( either of the power lines or residential locations ) is paramount .
50 WITH ‘ Rhodesians Never Die ’ ( Oxford University Press ; 400 pages ; £45 and $19 ) , Peter Godwin and Ian Hancock have produced the best account yet of the death throes of white Rhodesia .
51 The needles are then brought to the holding position and the knitting moved forward SLIGHTLY on the needles so that it is just forward of the sinker posts .
52 I thought again of the Sacrifice Poles ; more deliberately this time , picturing each one in turn , remembering their positions and their components , seeing in my mind what those sightless eyes looked out to , and flicking through each view like a security guard changing cameras on a monitor screen .
53 National courts are notoriously reluctant to be dragged into judgments about the legality or otherwise of the security policies pursued by their governments .
54 Yes , I I Councillor is quite right , I mean it is a new new departure to centre these panels in the neighbourhoods , it was always our intention to come back after a a period had elapsed er , we , with the new system to bring to members attention the success or otherwise of the neighbourhood panels .
55 Commercial people lagged behind , but they were ahead of the textile workers , the first working-class group to show strong limitation .
56 She quickly slipped ahead of the trolley pushers as one of them blocked the exit , manoeuvring his way through .
57 Epilepsy has now come in ahead of the field thanks to the ingenuity and determination of During and Spencer at Yale .
58 This feature is especially attractive to importers worried about the ship arriving ahead of the shipping documents .
59 Pittston has drafted in ‘ scab ’ labour to get the coal out , but the roads in these mountains are narrow and winding so the strikers drive their vehicles ahead of the coal trucks as slowly as possible .
60 It sounded as if Irina was setting herself up for the planned return to Moscow , ahead of the Brückner lawyers .
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