Example sentences of "[adv] of [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is an incoherence , as we have seen earlier , not only in design but especially of receipt by the pupil .
2 Regardless of evidence to the contrary , the authorities in the People 's Republic of China maintain that there are no political prisoners in China .
3 The information displayed by this option is available to all users , regardless of association with the DCs requested .
4 Leave another yard or so of rope above the bottle .
5 To accommodate it on the upflow tube we 've had to trim off another inch or so of piping with the hacksaw .
6 If you do it through A B S A , the government will give another ten thousand pounds so of course for the orchestra or the institution whether it 's opera , ballet , concert or whatever is , but it must be arts gets the extra money so of course that in a sense is very enabling .
7 Plungers require 75mm ( 3in ) or so of water in the sink to make them work .
8 Although crew cuts had been around forever , all-over short hair of ½″ or less started in about '64 & was a conservative-suit-mod staple until '68 when it went even shorter — ¼″ and less & in '69 near-shaven styles ( baldness never caught on ) ½″ or so of hair in the 60s was not as noteworthy as a backward glance might suggest — because long hair got all the publicity , you 'd think that everyone below 25 grew their hair long .
9 Raima 's appeal is to technical users writing complex applications rather than the packaged market , and Unix sales now account for 20% or so of business in the UK .
10 Our evening was made by the presence of a very jolly guard , Mr Howard Morgan , who went out of his way to make the trip a pleasant one and moreover told us much of interest about the line .
11 ‘ But tell me , was there much of value in the handbag ?
12 But the committee was hopelessly divided on what it meant by Christian hope — whether it was hope for peace and perfection in this world , or hope for a future life , or hope only of forgiveness at the last .
13 Subtitled ‘ Patterns and Textures ’ , it somehow lacks the immediate impact of its predecessor in that whilst its contents are produced to an equal if not higher standard , the nine disks contain a stunning range of patterns and textures , they are really only of use to the professional illustrator .
14 On her properties she usually thought only of leasehold for the most superior housing , as at Alderley Edge , where the houses had between one and five acres each .
15 Excuses are only of interest to the competition , problems and difficulties need facing and resolving .
16 Because such systems do not take into account the variation in individuals , they are generally only of interest to the classicist .
17 Because such systems do not take into account the variation in individuals , they are generally only of interest to the classicist .
18 The results have to be published and should not be only of interest to the client group who put forward the proposal .
19 Pictures of the chairman ten years ago or the old plant before the renovations are only of interest for the company history and are definitely not for current use .
20 Their conversation consisted almost entirely of gossip of the kind that , if only it could be bottled , would have an instant sale .
21 The information is mostly of concern to the crew in the pilot 's cabin , who will then make the necessary course , altitude and speed corrections , and note items of equipment which may need a maintenance check , once the aircraft has reached its destination .
22 There is a low tone of behaviour , rather of morality in the book .
23 Initial progress was made in tracing water discharged at resurgences but this was succeeded by deductions of limestone erosion rates , by determination of drainage areas , by distinction of the significance of percolation water and of conduit flow and thence of application of the results of process investigations to the derivation of modified models of landscape development as proposed by Smith and Newson ( 1974 ) for the Mendips .
24 At lunch they talked politely of work at the flour-mill and methods of milling .
25 Badly lamed and afterwards only able to walk with the help of a stick , Patterson was no longer of use to the Navy .
26 The refounding of monasteries and the continual granting away of land by the crown resulted in fragmentation of the earlier large units and recombination of land under new ownership .
27 The absence of root growth and thus of anchorage in the soil soon after the seeds have germinated reduces its expenditure of stored reserves and allows the seedling to be carried by physical agents such as wind or water .
28 This bitch was to take Best Bitch and Best of Breed at the 1980 Nationals .
29 In all aspects of pay and promotion the personal evaluation is critical and it takes account not just of performance at the current job but desirable personality traits such as creativity , emotional maturity and ability to cooperate with others .
30 Up to the mid-nineteenth century , the game was not formalized and consisted largely of cricket in the counties rather than county cricket as we now know it .
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