Example sentences of "[adv] turn out to be " in BNC.

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1 Not only did Brown Owl go on living at Longreen and being their Brown Owl ; the Pack won an unexpected new friend in Sir George Phillips , who , when he heard how they had saved the plane 's pilot from disaster in the bog , suddenly turned out to be not ‘ crabby ’ at all , as Mr. Gordon had always made him out to be , but told them that they could use the Longreen Park meadow for just as long as they liked as a reward for their bravery .
2 These all turned out to be negative and the examining doctor decided to take rectal samples when she returned for her results as he felt she would be unlikely to come back a third time .
3 Then , while the right hand wrote on , it conjured up the pack of cigarettes once again , conjured one out , and conjured a flame out of a butane lighter it suddenly turned out to be holding .
4 The long line of leading Conservatives on the platform fixed their faces into expressions of interested concern , and prepared themselves for what could only turn out to be a surfeit of oratory .
5 Instead of acquiring fairly smoothly a bigger version of the cosy old federal republic , with its powerful economy and low political profile , they have inherited an unknown country packed with problems and with people who have mostly turned out to be German-speaking strangers .
6 I can therefore gladly admit that falsificationists like myself much prefer an attempt to solve an interesting problem by a bold conjecture , even ( and especially ) if it soon turns out to be false , to any recital of a sequence of irrelevant truisms .
7 ‘ Mass medium ’ thus turns out to be one of those terms , apparently simple , that grow more elusive upon analysis .
8 Meanwhile Norman Stone 's confident his reputation wo n't be dented like that of Lord Dacre , the Oxford historian who helped the Sunday Times serialise what he thought were the Hitler diaries but soon turned out to be a hoax .
9 The Hasteds no doubt did what they could to help their bereaved sister , though their best turned out to be insufficient to save her as time went by .
10 The paradox is that while mathematics appears to be based on axioms rather than empirical knowledge ( although some have argued that it is rooted ultimately in the ‘ one-twoness ’ of things ) , it has nevertheless turned out to be remarkably fruitful in enabling us to understand the physical and to a lesser extent social world ; it is as if we had invented a game which turned out to be real .
11 My coach and I planned to use this meeting as training and it just turned out to be bad training . ’
12 The spending targets in the White Paper thus turn out to be unhelpful for long-term planning purposes .
13 They most likely represent recently emigrated monocytes and may thus turn out to be highly responsive young ‘ inflammatory macrophages ’ .
14 The plump man who , unfortunately , did n't have an up-to-date snapshot to send her , may just turn out to be that elusive Mr Right .
15 Meanwhile for Carol 's pupils , the course fee may just turn out to be the best £7.50 their parents ever spent .
16 In fact it usually turns out to be owned by a used-car dealer and staffed by elderly women who used to work next door at the cake shop and who know as much about mountaineering as goldfish know about pre-Cambrian pottery .
17 Did Siemens AG buy a pig in a poke — the German 's , ever literal , call it a cat in a sack , which of course is what a pig in a poke usually turns out to be — when it bought Atlantic Richfield Co 's Arco Solar Power subsidiary in Camarillo , California for $35.9m in 1990 ?
18 Indeed the census total usually turns out to be very close to the estimate derived from the previous census figure corrected for intervening births , deaths and net migration .
19 In practice variations so caused are few : in every land the total number of list seats nearly always turns out to be either the same as the total number of constituency seats or to differ from it by only one or two .
20 You see I mean it it did occur to me that er erm on on the three occasions that we 've done this now , it always turns out to be er me involved in about just you know either playing the piano or something else in just about everything .
21 Their contents had usually turned out to be machine parts but there had been a couple of times when he had found something a little more palatable — once a case of French Burgundy , on another occasion a case of German hock .
22 However , Eddy 's initial claims quickly turned out to be overstating the case .
23 In those stories , the prince almost always turned out to be a god who sought earthly pleasure from his love only until he tired of her .
24 ‘ My uncle 's stories sounded unlikely , but they always turned out to be true .
25 The interesting thing about him is that he was one of those people who always turn out to be lucky no matter what they do .
26 Shoes always turn out to be wrong for the climate .
27 So-called " ruler-portraits " nearly always turn out to be stereotypes : in the context of Carolingian group-identity , the precise point about images of Charles the Bald was the resemblance to Louis the Pious and Charlemagne , his father and grandfather .
28 Except , ’ she added regretfully , ‘ the presents usually turn out to be nicked .
29 The trouble is that the traditions and symbols that embody and transmit these supposedly universal and perennial virtues usually turn out to be modern inventions ( Hobsbawm and Ranger , 1983 ) .
30 Readers of Malcolm Lowry 's Under the Volcano ( 1947 ) , for example , are introduced to a herd of buffaloes which quickly turn out to be merely the phantoms of a drink-sodden mind .
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