Example sentences of "[adv] try [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
2 It 's better to get comfortable with the approach in a situation where you are confident , like a weekly meeting , than suddenly to try and implement it when you are in a more testing situation , like an important sales presentation .
3 I think it 's a good time to spend in the garden to be honest , I mean you ca n't , you ca n't , it 's not really long enough to try and do it at weekends , not if he wants to move that garage back , it 'll probably take the best part of the week to sort that out
4 He then goes on erm going on from that , going on from say commercialization , increased commercialization erm that there 's an effort to build more roads and repairing and that basically there seems to be a picture that the peasants are getting together to try and improve their own lot .
5 If anything , they pulled together to try and protect her from those very failures you think hurt her so much . ’
6 Stevie and I are going to put our heads together to try and reconstruct them for Midge .
7 She said it to cover her tremulous awareness of the fact that she was still in his arms , and began gently to try and pull herself away , but he seemed strangely reluctant to let her go .
8 And so to try and bring them to heel , er we referred the matter to the district .
9 So there again perhaps try and find somebody who 's from where they 've said they 're from and they might be ticking this box you know .
10 Counsel said she repeated the caller 's number incorrectly to try and alert him something was wrong but this did not appear to work .
11 ‘ Is this decision of yours just to try and thwart me , or do you have any particular reason ? ’
12 But it is just to try and ask you to think ways in which you could help in this particular way in whichever way there is .
13 Colleagues , just to try and let you know what , er I 've got in my mind concerning the business that 's fell off the agenda yesterday and today so far .
14 er all agricultural prices are set with the B C U and er what we 're er hold on do we just try and organize myself .
15 ‘ Let's just try and forget it . ’
16 Do you just try and quiet him by are you soothing ?
17 They would never bother to check whether it was really theirs — they 'd just try and hit it .
18 Right , now we 've come I think to future events , erm , and we need to just try and list anything you know that 's coming up so , partly so that we 've actually got it down writing and we can look back on it .
19 Now , it 's going to be a bit scruffy this , and you just try and transcribe it onto that piece of paper so you 're going away with some idea .
20 Well St Aldate 's in the Civil War is quite a problem to talk about really , erm in half an hour , because it 's so enmeshed in the story of Oxford in the Civil War which is a long , very interesting one , so what I 'm going to try and do is erm to pick out some of the local landmarks that did survive in the 17th century and relate them to what we know about some of the people and in this short half an hour , just try and picture what it was like to live in St Aldate 's during the civil war .
21 I just try and close my eyes to it
22 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
23 I would think your , your best bet Robert is just try and keep your weight steady .
24 On my sixteenth birthday I walked into the house with a fag in every orifice ; I was legally old enough to smoke , so , I thought , just try and stop me !
25 Just try and get their heart beat started .
26 but do they really actually dig into the the real reasons for the eating disorders or they just try and get you back onto a stable diet ?
27 and they , the first prize is a thousand pounds cash , second prize family holiday cottage in the Isle of Mule and third prize holiday cottage in Norfolk and fourth prize holiday apartment in Cumbria and the , I mean the idea is you take a book and try , if you have a place of work or , or friends that will buy raffle tickets er just try and sell them and er , how much are they ? er
28 Just try and remember what we were doing but the pig about resistance is it 's one over and think ooh we 're all into weird fractions and everything seems to work the opposite way round to the way you 'd expect it .
29 It 's like in in in in in interviews as well , like you do n't , som some people do but , if somebody asks you a question , you just try and answer it , you do n't really think about , erm , the way you construct everything .
30 I just try and enjoy myself .
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