Example sentences of "[adv] as much as [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , you need a system to be in place at club level just as much as at international level ’ .
2 My own view is that , if you want really high-quality fish , and can possibly afford them , now is the time to buy , Good , old-fashioned haggling is supposed to be alien to the British nature , but we are rediscovering the art — which applies to Koi just as much as to motor cars or kitchen units !
3 This is as much unnecessary as it is undesirable ; critical evaluation can lead to positive assessments , just as much as to negative ones .
4 In fact , I perceived once again , as I have repeatedly done since , that young people — and this applies to girls just as much as to boys — need , almost to the point of desperation , writers , inevitably older , who speak to their generation and in their language , or at least in language which , once they hear it , they perceive to be theirs .
5 So far as the Cossacks were concerned , just as much as for the British , the overriding question was not whether certain individuals should be excluded from repatriation because they held non-Soviet passports , but whether the various formations of " Cossacks " as a whole should or should not be repatriated .
6 Since the Judicature Act , just as much as before it , if A sells the property to C , who knows nothing of the trust , and transfers the legal ownership to him , B's rights to the property are destroyed ; he can only look to A for compensation for the breach of trust .
7 this has inaugurated a new kind of critical atmosphere and has been gathering conviction at the institutional and managerial level just as much as in the studios and in the discussions around art .
8 The tacit assumption in Alexandria and Antioch , just as much as in Athens , was the superiority of Greek language and manners .
9 The leading element in this upheaval was the student movement , and although students became independently active in political life all over the world — in Eastern Europe and in the Third World just as much as in the West — the principal expression of a distinctive radical doctrine and mode of political action , which became to a large extent a model for the whole international movement , was to be found in the US , in the Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) .
10 So I am constrained by my material world — the practicalities of my material circumstances — just as much as by my physical world .
11 You will increase the chances of your report being acted upon if you plan to invest a substantial amount of time , at least as much as in the writing stage , on promoting your report .
12 Now in recent years , what has happened is that because of the recession , mineral operators instead of looking for enormous new areas to work have been seeking to erm improve er through their own review processes , the working within their existing sites and perhaps to go for some modest increases , so the number of applications has kept up , the amount of work that we are engaged in has er been at least as much as in the past and in some cases because of enforcement matters has been greater , but the fee income has been slipping .
13 The consequences of technical change are influenced at least as much as by the objectives that managers seek to achieve in introducing change .
14 But this was because the outside world insisted on ostracising them at least as much as by any choice of their own .
15 The history of the generations which preceded the French Revolution almost as much as of that which followed it must be written in terms of warfare .
16 In pre-1914 Europe , therefore , almost as much as at any time in the past , the making and , to a lesser extent , the conduct of foreign policy by the great states remained in the hands of a small , sometimes very small , number of individuals who were effectively uncontrolled by the peoples for whom they acted .
17 Europeans , almost as much as in preceding generations , took war for granted as a normal part of their lives .
18 The relations of the European States continued to be influenced in the eighteenth century , almost as much as in the age of Louis XIV , by the idea of the balance of power .
19 In the seventeenth century , almost as much as in the sixteenth , Russia was a very marginal part of the evolving network of diplomacy .
20 If the Government argues against full disclosure of information , it will be undermining the credibility of its environment policy almost as much as by splitting up the NCC .
21 Aegina grew 700–800 tonnes of them in 1992 , nearly twice as much as in 1982 , and in principle looks forward to growing twice as much again by the late 1990s .
22 In 1961 , it is estimated , 682,000 gallons of whisky were consumed by the French , and that was twice as much as in 1960 .
23 For modern anthropologists , quite as much as for Marx and Engels , forms of family and marriage are integral parts of the social system and co-vary with the overall system .
24 Cloud has been affecting most parts of the Midlands today but not quite as much as up there in Scotland although that 's gon na make a bit of an impression on us tomorrow .
25 Within the government political judgements on the issue were somewhat confused — Cripps , in particular , saw devaluation ‘ as an act of foreign policy quite as much as of economic policy ’ [ ibid , 141 ] ; and the final decision was made by three junior ministers outside the Cabinet .
26 Not only does teaching a teenager at school cost less than half as much as at university .
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