Example sentences of "[adv] need [verb] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Western science — like our medicine — is notoriously dismissive of anything that smacks of the spiritual life that our civilisation seems so carelessly to have thrown away.Yet if we are to survive for another thousand years , we desperately need to rediscover this aspect of being human ; not only as a reaction to the yuppie ‘ me first ’ generation of the Eighties but as the only means of re-establishing the synergy between man and planet.This requires a radical shift in our attitudes .
2 Even though these languages are not tonal , the following procedures are still needed to determine this fact and also to master the pronunciation .
3 It 's obvious that refs and players still need to have this law more clearly defined — that indirect free kick was , in my book , a travesty .
4 You will also need to put this assignment in your LIFESPAN_STARTUP command file , before you start the LIFESPAN Process .
5 Hence the importance of Eve Sedgwick 's category of the homosocial : we must insist that there are different kinds of masculine heterosexual alliance that are not necessarily ( though may be ) homosexual , repressed or overt ; but we also need to make this point in a way which does not then privilege this distinction between the sexual and the non-sexual since this is to re-establish the primacy of the sexual , something partly responsible for the original misrepresentation .
6 You 'd really need to re-fret this guitar before you used it in anger .
7 The backing yarn really forms a loose net into which the weaving yarn is laid , and this produces a much softer fabric — you really need to feel this sample to appreciate the difference !
8 We really need to catch this man before he attacks someone else .
9 You actually need to consider this person because , if you have n't got that person i.e. customer there 's little point in having a menu unless you 're going to sit and read it yourself !
10 Organisms commonly need to rest this apparatus and this is achieved by sleep and its attendant strategies , such as finding a safe place or , as with chimpanzees , constructing one .
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