Example sentences of "[adv] over [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some bank loans are provided in the form of a standby-credit or commitment which means a bank will provide funds if required to do so over a stated period , either on a fixed or floating rate basis .
2 In the morning clouds boiled ominously over the distant Baltoro peaks as we cramponed to the start of the east ridge .
3 But it did n't move too swiftly over the rocky soil , and I began to doubt if it would reach me before the deadly rain finished me off .
4 ‘ And a holiday abroad each year to make up for not seeing you much over the past while ! ’
5 The Special Advisory Board for the Army Medical Service had laid down as a basis for treatment ‘ a more or less continuous course of mercury by mouth for 1½ to 2 years ’ combined with mercurial ointment rubbed into the skin for 20 to 30 minutes daily over a six-week period .
6 Add the chopped pepper and the cumin seeds to the saucepan and bubble gently over a medium heat for 8–10 minutes until the pepper is soft .
7 Add the chopped pepper and the cumin seeds to the saucepan and bubble gently over a medium heat for 8–10 minutes until the pepper is soft .
8 Fry gently over a low heat for about 10 minutes .
9 When I came on deck to take my watch I found Viking swaying gently over a smooth swell , the cloud-wreathed Torridon mountains to port , and South Rona lighthouse fine on the starboard bow .
10 Jessamy slowly walked forward and rubbed her hand gently over the rough surface of the nearest stone .
11 He lifted the edge of the hood , and laid it gently over the shattered head , hiding the face .
12 She could not control the faint tremor of her mouth , and Rourke 's hand lifted , his thumb running gently over the pink fullness of her lips .
13 Which is quite an admirable trait , because most people seem hell bent on playing all over every single track , whether it 's needed or not . ’
14 This has nothing to do with how policemen look nor even of never having heard of a bunch called James , who are apparently big stars , have their name emblazoned all over a chic t-shirt and of whom one had never heard till yesterday .
15 Chinese students sent to university in Russia demonstrated noisily on their cross-country train journeys and , on one occasion that shocked Khrushchev deeply , defecated all over a Mongolian station platform .
16 It was all over a Brazilian boy who looked after the props .
17 The old cow turned and licked her with a huge , wet tongue until her blouse was damp all over the right shoulder , but it was not comforting .
18 Strach is normally the epitomy of that and swarms all over the right back area in and around the box .
19 No , no , no , wait a minute , wait a minute , let me think , this was somewhere , do n't forget they come from all over the bloody country the South of England Show erm , this scrumpy was all somewhere a bit farther north , Cotswolds or
20 White patches all over the bloody coat with that soap powder .
21 thing and her dad 's got a country and western music I mean he , they go all over the bloody place .
22 to run all over the bloody place and
23 If you ask me , it looks like a load of picture of heads all over the bloody place !
24 We , we , we were playing in the er Alton league at one time , you know , we were doing quite well in that as well we got , one year we come second we got promoted to the first division after our first year , there was only three of their , there were four or five leagues going and they put us straight in the second division and er , but you were going all over the bloody place , you were going as far a field as Petersfield bloody old there was almost , there was one erm , just outside
25 There may be the most intense pruritus all over the external genitalia and blood may be drawn as a result of the vigorous scratching this induces .
26 Many subsequently returned to their homes , all over the Soviet Union , where the local doctors may not know that they worked at Chernobyl and may therefore not recognise subsequent cancers or other problems as radiation-linked .
27 The statues came tumbling down all over the Soviet Union .
28 Celebratory events were taking place all over the Soviet Union ; but none was more extraordinary , in its modest way , than Charsky 's promised to be .
29 The referendum took place on 17 March 1991 , when voters all over the Soviet Union were asked to express a view on the following question : ‘ Do you consider it necessary to preserve the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics in which the human rights and freedoms of any nationality will be fully guaranteed ? ’
30 Since their receptive fields are scattered all over the visual field the rabbit 's brain is kept well-informed about movements all around it .
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