Example sentences of "[adv] use [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Your English teacher will supply you with ideas but you are expected to read widely using the School Library and other sources of material to further your knowledge and your reading skills .
2 ‘ On the album I mostly used the Demeter head , the tweed Deluxe and an amazing 1950s 4x10 ’ Fender Bassman that I borrowed .
3 Simon suggests , ‘ only using a cheque book for household bills and so on .
4 Most d-i-yers will probably be less demanding , often only using a heat gun when they have just moved home , or to redecorate a room .
5 He suggests that their role is to signal rotations of the animal , and to do so using a co-ordinate system that is compatible with the other main organ for signalling rotations of the head , namely the semicircular canals , which are sensitive to angular accelerations .
6 So using the default palette as the basis it is time for change .
7 If you want to keep the existing pipes ( perhaps using a tap adaptor ) , use a bath/basin spanner to disconnect them at the top .
8 With them could I keep a Red-tailed Shark , Sucking Loach or Longnosed Loach , perhaps using a breeding net ?
9 Feel free to make up answers , perhaps using a family situation you are familiar with .
10 Within the Garden , most machines will soon be connected together using a Local Area Network ( LAN ) , to share software , data , and resources such as printers and plotters .
11 The clips are short — no more than a couple of seconds each — but you can run them together using the editing program .
12 Data for all three wavelengths were scaled together using the program FBSCALE ; however , the high and low gain data were scaled separately .
13 With an overall figure of merit for the MIR phases of only 0.48 at 3Å resolution , automatic solvent flattening failed to produce sensible molecular boundaries and we therefore defined the molecular envelope manually using the program MEDIT .
14 The hon. Member for Dagenham quite rightly used the Government figure of £780 million as the amount by which the discount system will be beneficial to single-person households .
15 They prudently used the exercise court that Jeopardy never frequented .
16 It 's obvious that Jenner only used the insulin project to further his own work . ’
17 He only used the ground floor as a café , anyway .
18 In open-air ceremonies , they apparently used a triton shell to amplify and distort their voices .
19 So beta merely uses the correlation coefficient to weight the ratio of the risks of the security and the market .
20 However , the detachment can only use the leadership value of its own parent regiment — it can not move to within 8″ of a different regiment and use its leadership value instead .
21 Staff who wish books to be left out may only use the North side tables for this purpose , and then only for limited periods by arrangement with the Library staff .
22 In the West Riding woollen manufacture the independent working clothiers had long used the spring shuttle , and as a group who produced much of the food needs of their households were well enough protected from the high food prices of the war years .
23 Some programs , PageMaker for example , only use an exception dictionary .
24 Yet the paradox is that we only use the word hypocrisy when we have reasons for believing that we have found the thing itself .
25 I personally use The Helios Pharmacy in Tunbridge Wells ( tel. 0892 537254 ) since the pharmacist is John Tomlinson whose article Dose , Dilution and the LM Potencies demonstrates his understanding of the preparation procedures .
26 Businesses daily use the library facility for their own research and development .
27 Both statistics are equally powerful in large samples but by and large you will always be using a small sample , so use the test statistic which is designed for small sample work , that 's the F statistic .
28 Stainless steel cutlery Can discolour and pit if left coated with food , so use the pre-wash cycle .
29 It is therefore better to reach some compromise , and perhaps use a word list tailored to the particular domain .
30 well they obviously use the Oxford Dictionary , not Longmans so
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