Example sentences of "[adv] more [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The chief candidates for this distinction are most certainly the higher primates , and of them perhaps more especially the near relatives of man , the chimpanzee and gorilla .
2 Certainly , Meriden was much more nearly an authentic industrial co-operative than were the other two ; and , as certainly , realised the potential in morale , in practical commitment to the objectives of the enterprise , which is the special feature of a co-operative .
3 If it is to be successful in this objective it needs to articulate much more clearly the rival communitarian philosophy which one senses underpins its practical proposals .
4 this is much more much the nicer .
5 Whether we consider the rarity of the subjects , the speciousness of those he selected for his purpose , or the general production of the whole , England had not before produced any work , except the Hortus Elthamensis or Catesby 's Carolina , so superb and extensive , and in one respect Miller 's had an advantage , as they exhibited much more perfectly the separate figures of parts of fructification .
6 So we can find words like ‘ tonight ’ , ‘ canary ’ with an before , but medially and finally , as in words like ‘ threaten ’ , ‘ threatening ’ , we find much more commonly a syllabic : , .
7 Harper raised the cudgel to drive away the beggars who swarmed ever more threateningly the closer they got to the Duke and Duchess of Richmond 's rented house .
8 I am of course old enough to remember the first railway made in England , and still more easily the first telegraph wires ; now we see people are not satisfied with these last , but must have telephone wires too .
9 ‘ the clearest and simplest remedy for this evil of litigation about charity , by which so often the kindly intention of a testator is defeated , and still more often a considerable part of the benefaction is wasted in legal costs , would be for Parliament to enact a modern definition or classification of charities on some broad lines .
10 Yet twenty years later , largely as a result of the work of Maurepas , an energetic Secretary of State , she had nearly 50 ships of the line and was once more clearly the second-greatest European naval power The war of 1744–48 with Great Britain meant fairly heavy losses ; but by 1754 she possessed 57 ships of the line and 24 frigates .
11 Edward , re-inspecting them , saw even more clearly the perfunctory effect , and blamed himself .
12 An alternative theory , still concerned with major transitions in relation to economic changes , is that which conceives the turning-point in social life as being the emergence and development of industrial society , in which the growth of modern science and technology plays a crucial role ( Aron , 1967 ) ; and a further extension of the theory , in more recent discussions of ‘ post-industrial ’ society , affirms even more strongly the overwhelming importance in the economy and society of the production of theoretical knowledge .
13 Churchill had at moments in the First World War manifested great strategic prescience ; his intuition swung into action even more powerfully the second time round .
14 The Russians will be very ready to respond to this and I think even more so the other Republics .
15 It also has a mock-medieval castle erected in 1798 , and even more extraordinarily a 250-year-old fossilised tree .
16 Even more recently a whole catalogue has been devoted to single leaves and cut-out miniatures from despoiled manuscripts .
17 Then more slowly a second time .
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