Example sentences of "[adv] get up and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 How would you feel if you knitted yourself a nice little doll , out of the most expensive yarn you could buy , and spent the best years of your life working on it to make it as perfect as you could — then it suddenly got up and walked away and turned into something different ? ’
2 She was still searching for the right words to describe how she felt when he suddenly got up and went to meet more guests , and she did n't see him for a long time .
3 The person started to read their paper on Moses , and I thought she was doing a good job of it , this guy suddenly got up and said , I 'm Jewish , I 'm not listening to any more of this , and stormed out .
4 All I can remember was that everything was uncomfortable , especially getting up and going to bed .
5 So get up and start again , ’ she said roughly .
6 Who knows , he may even feel well enough to get up and enjoy some lunch with you . ’
7 Er I was still slobbing around in my dressing-gown and you know yesterday 's clothes and so I I I thought I 'd better get up and do stuff .
8 ‘ If the dog wants to go out , had n't you better get up and take her ? ’
9 He just got up and left without looking at me .
10 One day one of the girls who came from Birmingham ( she used to come down , work the week and go back up ) , she just got up and said , really unexpectedly , ‘ I 'm going back . ’
11 Dear god , everything is so wrong , look , it took you six days to make the world , but does it say in the bible that it took you fifteen days to design it , oh no you just got up and decided to make the world .
12 So I just got up and did it .
13 After trailing her for over two hours Poppy flopped down , but when I approached her she just got up and dived off through a hole in the fence .
14 She let the silence go on , and wondered about just getting up and leaving right then without one word , not one word of the torrent foaming in her guts .
15 That what happens after the first ten minutes , you have to go and do something else , then what happens , you physically get up and do , but you will do something else .
16 Put some movement into your hands and arms , roll gently over on to one side , and take another little rest before you finally get up and stretch .
17 Sitting comfortably get up and walk about , go and have your cup of tea or coffee .
18 Then some great fucking panty liner washes in and lands on my foot and I just get up and get on with it ’
19 Then some fucking great panty liner washes in and lands on my foot and I just get up and get back on with it . ’
20 The case is hard to argue against , and even harder after a couple of Tories just get up and say flatly that they will be voting for the lady .
21 does n't say all that much , she 'll probably just get up and walk out of the room or , or heave a big sigh or something .
22 Why have n't I the sheer drive to just get up and go , take the twins and emigrate to Oz or Canada ?
23 You see a working , well of course they do get them up nowadays , but in th you were supposed t to stay in bed for at least a fortnight after the mother was born but you a lot of these mothers used to hop out of bed when the midwife had gone , and , and I mean if they 'd got two or three children and a husband coming in and they had n't got a mother or a neighbour or somebody to come in and do the cooking , i I mean she 'd just get up and get on with it herself .
24 We 'll just get up and see what happens shall we ?
25 Can you just get up and look under your seat for me for a moment ?
26 I mean I 've stopped I 've I I do n't any longer get up and get anybody 's breakfast for them .
27 Smiling her thanks at Mary — or Rose — she quickly got up and followed him .
28 But because I was in like really really tight tights , er like and then a pair of ski pants over the top er , my whole leg was like , you know , sort of soaked in and this bloke was there going , hee , that 's pretty impressive and I was like , I 'm not going to let him know I was crying and like got up and went to the top of the slope and I carried on skiing for about an extra half an hour , but like when I got home , and I just took off , my whole leg started , feet swelling as I took the like , the tight like leggings off .
29 He 'd just gone up and I just I usually get up and turn the fire off and then the television .
30 The soldiers too were always getting up and walking away .
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