Example sentences of "[adv] what i [vb mod] do " in BNC.

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1 So what I 'll do is , I 'll chop bits off , ’ agreed the wizard .
2 Right , well as I say I 've got your details here so what I 'll do is if you bear with me I 'll go and a have a look through the drawers and see what we 've got available .
3 So what I 'll do I 'll send them two pound postage and six pound owe them
4 Yes , so what I 'll do is
5 So I thought whoa , I 've got July , it 's going to be a bad month this year , so what I 'll do , I 'll go on holiday in July too .
6 So what I 'll do is I 'll have the video tape in er with on Monday .
7 Erm , so what I can do is to put the B four here inside of that string comma zero .
8 That 's just what I 'll do .
9 ‘ Each time I fight , I try to bring more to the table and I 'm looking forward to this fight to show people just what I can do .
10 That 's just what I can do with now
11 I sought a mandate from my constituents to oppose the poll tax and made it plain exactly what I would do .
12 ‘ That is exactly what I shall do . ’
13 His widow , Margaret , said : ‘ Alfred told me that I should carry on with the case if he died , and that is exactly what I will do . ’
14 exactly what I 'd do .
15 But I think possibly what I might do is try and make this grape vine one the first one where we actually do do it properly .
16 he 's retired , but he 's , he 's been quite busy with this Festival , but I , I said to him , now what I 'll do is maybe come and you and him and Jane maybe kind of will just sort of have a quick confab sometime just talk about what he wants , and he will be kind of happy to do that with obviously we 'd have to find a drop of money to pay for the tapes , I mean that would n't be huge and expensive .
17 Right now what I shall do before you go any further is divide that at the side here , what those and minutes are as decimals of an hour
18 I 've got a continuation shot , well what I shall do is just try and line them up for a rush down to , which is not bad .
19 Well what I might do is just put one soap in each cos it
20 Right , well what I 'll do is , if you like , that 's it this is the erm , erm Linda
21 Well what I 'll do is I 'll stick it in my diary for a couple of weeks .
22 Well , well what I 'll do is next week I 'll
23 Well what I 'll do I 'll give him a call tomorrow night about eight o'clock .
24 Well what I 'll do is this is mine , Brenda to get so I 'm giving you
25 She says , well what I 'll do is , I 'll phone you when I get my
26 Well what I 'll do is
27 Well what I 'll do I 'll get , I 'll get a bigger box
28 well what I 'll do I 'll go and get some clothes , now what we do , we gon na take some food with us then ?
29 If I were innocent , thought Rufus , I know very well what I would do .
30 So I 've , well what I can do is go down there .
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