Example sentences of "[adv] think that [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was only thinking that if you 're always so high-handed in your dealings with people it 's a wonder you have n't had your come-uppance . ’
2 No I was only thinking that when you talk about
3 But I just thought that if you could afford it
4 I just think that when you 're up there it 's like the stage is a huge platform going out into the crowd , a long one !
5 It 's just , you 're just thinking that if there 's anybody who skateboards just skates and like really ragged clothes because you 're not exactly gon na go out wearing a suit skateboarding cos as soon as you fall off you you 're gon na rip it to shreds are n't you ?
6 I 've always thought that if he was n't a composer he would have been Rupert Murdoch ; he 's just one of those people who would be successful in whatever he went into .
7 But erm , it 's the kerb crawlers , I mean I 've always thought that if it was n't for prostitutes , there 's going to be a hell of a lot more rapes around , so
8 Most of the living accommodation at Low Birk Hatt faces north and I always thought that when I moved I would definitely have a south-facing house .
9 People , people always think that until you start throwing in the double negatives and they think , whoa , do n't want to know !
10 I always think that if someone tries to get close to me they must want something from me .
11 ‘ Do n't you also think that if one meets someone in such a way — I mean , so weak and defenceless — something makes one surrender completely , so that one can not imagine ever being able to desert such a person ? ’
12 probably had n't paid that much , so these peo the ones that lent the money out , in really they er , and they really have suffered just , they probably thought that if we do n't lend them the money somebody else will and get the interest and they 'll grow bigger and much overtake us , you know , to , to take over our business , so er , so the
13 Erm , I also think that if you have two hours , a video and a talk would be better .
14 And I honestly think that if you are going to give me that much , it 's probably easier for you to do it once a month . ’
15 People surged forward and back ; the Man realized he was needed and turned to go out of Woil 's cage , probably thinking that if he left the door ajar for only a moment Woil was too placid and safe a bird to try to escape .
16 ‘ And do you really think that if I had taken something of your aunt 's I would be stupid enough to wear it to work ? ’
17 They often think that if their flying is good enough , it is safe for them to press on in any weather conditions .
18 I often think that if we dressed in old Barbours and flat caps we would n't create so much antipathy .
19 However , I now think that although there is a singularity , the laws of physics can still determine how the universe began .
20 She had contrarily thought that if he really cared he would have come running after her .
21 The people here thought that if your wrists were n't tennis racket handle-width on your sixth birthday then you were called a ‘ fat ’ and transferred into the ‘ right ’ .
22 She sometimes thought that if they went somewhere hot and beachy as most people did — the Seychelles , the Maldives , the Caribbean — they would spend the whole day swimming or sunbathing .
23 I sometimes think that if we were back in biblical days and John the Baptist was running around looking for a wilderness he would n't go to the desert he would come to Creggan !
24 I 'm essentially a social historian , although I sometimes think that if I wanted to find the right adjective , and I 've never been too much worried about adjectives , I would say I 'm really a cultural historian .
25 Do you seriously think that if you went to a school and it was like , you know , all cosy , you know , you had dealers and were n't allowed to smoke , you were n't allowed to drink and you were n't allowed to take drugs do you seriously think anyone would go there ?
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