Example sentences of "[adv] think to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The case was noteworthy for the fact that a section hitherto thought to be aimed only at espionage had been employed against peaceful protesters .
2 Although proposals for secret ballots and annual elections came to nothing , a Triennial Bill was passed into law in 1694 , whilst in 1696 Acts were passed to prevent electoral charges and expenses ( to keep the price of a contest within the gentry 's means ) and to prevent local changes in the established franchise ( which were generally thought to be made to the Court 's advantage ) .
3 Thus a government which while adhering to the rule of law narrowly defined , flouted all or most of the practices generally thought to be covered by the rule of law broadly defined would also give rise to doubts about its legitimacy .
4 If a country 's exchange rate is generally thought to be overvalued , however , then the central bank concerned would face heavy losses of foreign currency if it attempted to maintain the exchange rate at its current value .
5 They are generally thought to be striking at Hipparchos not shown , an interesting but rather surprising concept ; one might rather see them as defending themselves against the bodyguard which cut them down .
6 At the moment , Asahi Shinwa is officially only affiliated to AA International , but there are no obvious barriers to an eventual merger and the two firms are already thought to be holding discussions .
7 Tacoma 's needle-exchange programmes are already thought to be showing results .
8 Hew was convicted on the basis of confessions he had made under torture and because he had read The Dogs of War , a novel about a coup in an imaginary country widely thought to be based on Equatorial Guinea .
9 Mandrake comes from the same family as the potato ( once thought to be endowed with aphrodisiac powers itself ) .
10 Hoatzin , primitive-looking birds once thought to be related to archaeopterix , flopped between branches , their ochre crests like Mohican head-dresses .
11 Sales of mainframe systems are still thought to be earning the biggest profit .
12 However , as many as two dozen countries are still thought to be developing chemical weapons , and the treaty will not come into force until 1995 at the earliest .
13 According to official figures 150 people , the majority of them youths and students , received prison sentences ranging from one month to seven years ; at least 450 others were still thought to be awaiting trial .
14 Psychological and cultural differences were still thought to be grounded in biology ; indeed , Geddes and Thompson believed sex differences to be physiologically based , which held out even less possibility for change than did Spencer 's explanation based on evolution .
15 News from Plymouth of five Wolfe/Möwe destroyers in the estuary caused some concern , but these ships were sent to investigate what mines had been laid by the force — mistakenly thought to be sailing west when U-593 signalled her base .
16 The fact that the negative side receives very much more attention from him than the positive side , and that the attack is pressed home on only one of the two experiential explanations , has had the unfortunate result that Wittgenstein can be mistakenly thought to be giving the alternative experiential explanation , in terms of behaviour .
17 Police searching the plaintiff 's premises for stolen goods seized goods which they mistakenly thought to be stolen .
18 The mid-West systems integrator , which specialises in servicing and supporting Sun workstations , looks set to inject some new life into the lacklustre compatible market , promising not only a ‘ true clone ’ of Sun 's Sparcstation 10 workstation — within a month of Sun 's first superscalar deliveries — but also an intermediate Sparcstation 10 IPX system , an offering Sun is also thought to be mulling , and Sparcservers too .
19 Ferguson , who failed to land 16-goal Alan Shearer and bought Dion Dublin — only for him to break a leg — is also thought to be watching Dundee United 's Duncan Ferguson .
20 TI is also thought to be working with Sybase , another Cooperative partner .
21 Sharp Corp is also thought to be working on a similar tack , though not for this year .
22 ‘ Bob Dragon , ’ or Dreghorn , the ugliest man in Scotland , was also thought to be associated with the Resurrectionists .
23 The UK government was also thought to be contemplating using such a camp for the screening of possible future refugees to reduce the flow into Hong Kong .
24 The marketability of Freud is also thought to be suffering due to the artist 's recent penchant for painting the backside of performance artist Leigh Bowery , a subject of seemingly little appeal to traditional Freud collectors .
25 With a third of all health authorities and trusts now thought to be entertaining the idea of introducing job evaluation schemes for nurses , warning noises are beginning to be sounded from all quarters .
26 Mrs Barlow is now thought to be living in the United States .
27 Scottish Office minister Allan Stewart said most of the women who have still to be contacted are now thought to be living in the United States .
28 Copywrite fraud is now thought to be costing software companies £20m pounds a year .
29 Copywrite fraud is now thought to be costing software companies £20m pounds a year .
30 There are various ways in which fibre-depleted foods are now thought to be linked with cancer of the large bowel .
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