Example sentences of "[adv] when [pers pn] [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 Mother Francis had acted swiftly when she heard about Eve .
2 And when he and Hugh Paddick joined together for their Julian and Sandy routine — bravely supposedly using the names , and names only , of Julian Slade and Sandy Wilson ( writers of The Boy Friend and Salad Days ) — Williams and Paddick were giving new meaning to that word ‘ gay ’ , especially when they talked about the figure-hugging black number they had bought in Carnaby Street .
3 Er traffic is spread around er in that the area is divided into a number of zones , so when you talk about er shortest route and all traffic being assigned , then certainly in terms of the a lot of the local traffic and the through traffic in terms of where it 's loaded into the model , each individual journey between A and B between each zone A and each zone B is loaded onto its shortest point .
4 So when you think about when you 're preparing for your advocacy exercises , the actual content that you prepare , although important , is not going to have the maximum impact .
5 and so when I heard about taking on girls again , on the railway
6 If he did not understand about the unicorn or about the many and the one he understood Marian still less when she talked about simple things being difficult .
7 I mean just when you think about it they they were actually following estate agents when they went out to value a property .
8 His face had softened noticeably when he talked about Jean 's knack of …
9 The Hollywood actor , a racing fanatic , booked a call to Brummie Mansell at his Isle of Man home when he heard about the world champion 's bitter split with the Renault-Williams team .
10 Yeah but I get really pissed off as well cos I well I , I wo n't like when I 'm with other people like and I talk about other pe like when I talk about Jenny and then I feel sort of like really two faced when I like start talking to Jenny and stuff .
11 He could see it quite clearly when he thought about it .
12 And I did and to be quite honest , I mean it was n't the money really when you think about it because at end of day , forty six pound he were spending in pub anyway .
13 We do not want to have a future relationship of United States and Latin America reproduced in South Africa , which so many people talk about now when they talk about South Africa as the engine of growth if we have that kind of growth it 'll be distorted and none of the poor in South Africa or the region will benefit from it .
14 Now when I read about the island I discovered that it is volcanic and mountainous and is the last refuge of the Carib Indians , the descendants of proud cannibals who starved to death rather than accept the fate of slavery .
15 But now when I think about it , I think maybe I would n't .
16 Often when we talk about guidance and opportunities we speak of ‘ open doors ’ .
17 Well when I rang about news was it June last year , they were still at Harlow .
18 ‘ George did n't want to put the business at the cottage to them , you can see why , and it 's pretty clear they do n't want to believe in a conspiracy anyway , even when they knew about the Reznichenko Memorandum . ’
19 Reaching out her arms , Beth enfolded the girl to her , resting her face against Cissie 's fair hair and saying in a softer voice , ‘ Do you remember years ago when you asked about my family ? ’
20 I think if you go back a hundred years the problems in British culture were much worse , but nonetheless I do think there 's a tremendous arrogance around in modern so-called civilized Britain , and particularly when they talk about the ancient civilization of Israel , I just think that they were a far more humane nation than we are .
21 The book has one last virtue : it is , at least when it talks about people other than Mr Yeltsin , far more entertaining than most books by western politicians .
22 At least when you think about you start to sound like you that 's the problem with the job .
23 You were there when she said about P C .
24 And it was n't even from my constituency it was widely from the Leicestershire and coming back to our , our friend there Doctor er , I do n't know what was the name there when he mentioned about what 's the name ?
25 Sometimes you can wake up and you think , ooh that was very real and then when you think about it
26 He had n't been joking or speaking metaphorically when he talked about praying .
27 If any of these women were seriously important to him , she could n't tell from his attitude , so she was able to listen quite happily when he spoke about a play he had seen with Paula , or repeated an anecdote of Wendy 's about her job as a television production assistant .
28 In response to the burglary my reaction became : ‘ Actually when I think about it and allow all the facts to sink in it is just too awful ; there really is nothing I can do to pretend this has n't happened .
29 Erm but yeah but that 's one of er oh pass me pass me the thing I do n't actually when I think about it it 's getting nearer the time .
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