Example sentences of "[adv] will not be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As we 've in fact transferred to oil , those coal heaps in many cases have actually been cleaned up and build on , so as oil runs out it perhaps will not be possible to reconvert back to coal use in some factories simply because the space for storage wo n't exist .
2 Doing so will not be easy .
3 Some income will be taken in direct taxation , such as income tax and so will not be available for other uses .
4 Second , it ignores the other social reality , that many pupils come from homes in which there is no stable and married family life and so will not be able to relate easily to this concept .
5 The secondary reasons help to meet the burden of proof required to establish a complete justification , i.e. they may suffice in conjunction with the primary reasons in circumstances in which the primary reasons alone will not be enough to establish the legitimacy of an authority .
6 Bedside lighting alone will not be sufficient for most bedrooms .
7 The evidence summarized above will not be enough to convert adherents of other theories to the view that latent inhibition is a consequence of the subject 's failing to retrieve the relevant information about the CS .
8 In practice the items referred to above will not be identical and the departure from the nominal dimensions will determine the degree of interchangeability and hence the quality of the batch .
9 In practice the items referred to above will not be identical and the departure from the nominal dimensions will determine the degree of interchangeability and hence the quality of the batch .
10 The then chairman of the CEGB , Arthur Hawkins , told a House of Commons Select Committee that ‘ we need to develop a situation which by 1990 will be entirely nuclear because , as we all know , the fossil-fuel energies just will not be adequate to meet our growing needs ’ .
11 You have to agree to keep up payments for ten years and normally will not be able to get at the cash in the meantime .
12 This is why a very fine-grained analysis is needed , and why we will not get very far in synthesizing our findings in relation to large databases like this if we do not use quantification : as these differences are not categorical , we usually will not be able to demonstrate them convincingly unless we quantify .
13 Rescheduling the drug would inconvenience those doctors , veterinarians , and scientists who use ketamine in their work and hopefully will not be necessary .
14 In substance they are borrowing money , but such borrowings will be included within the minority interests and hence will not be identifiable unless separate disclosure is made .
15 Their language is a restricted code , so they will not be able to formulate and hence will not be able to understand many of the things which middle-class children can formulate and understand .
16 An additional potential benefit is that charging depreciation means that funds are set aside ( though these funds need not be and probably will not be liquid ) to maintain the capital of the organization .
17 It gets a mention here because any proceeds ( and there probably will not be many ) go to the All Saints Renovation Fund , the church where the Controversial Cleric is vicar , and the Hetton Silver Band , which lost its sheet music in an arson attack on its hut last month .
18 You probably will not be able to cope with all of them without feeling deprived .
19 There will be no resources for the agricultural sector and agriculture probably will not be able to support the industrialization process .
20 Moreover , readers by now will not be surprised to learn that political considerations ( rather than goods-specific externalities ) have been picked out in order to explain the selection of other forms of subsidies than cash transfers ( Browning 1975 ) .
21 However , the WO statisticians said this county practice of estimating higher than the ‘ base estimate ’ population growth did not add up — there simply will not be enough people to reach the higher estimates , even with the historically high levels of inward migration being predicted .
22 Be aware , then , that he simply will not be able to proof-read his own work , because he may think , for instance , that latter is the correct way to spell later .
23 My concern is that the single market simply will not be able to operate effectively while one important part of the labour force lacks mobility .
24 Difficulty of devising a structure that will stand firm yet will not be over-heavy , he wrote .
25 However , freedom of movement is limited to EC nationals only , and a significant proportion of Britain 's ethnic minorities have citizenship of their country of origin and therefore will not be able to move freely within the Community .
26 By all means work to emphasize your positive qualities and to control your weak points , but if you put on an act you are almost bound to get caught out and you certainly will not be able to relax .
27 And you certainly will not be able to demonstrate these things by relying on your own introspections !
28 After building your own machine you certainly will not be worried about opening the box !
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