Example sentences of "[adv] that [pers pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His wavy black hair curled behind his ears so thickly that she was reminded of an Ingres portrait of a nobleman she had seen in one of Miss Hatherby 's books .
2 Better that it 's used to revamp the old chestnut about ‘ how many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb ? ’ in the form of ‘ how many reissues does it take to relaunch a band 's career ? ’
3 Audiences in South Wales liked her so much that she was invited to return there to sing time after time .
4 Erm however he 's saying that you know where , where there is erm you know , pe peasant erm associations basically that they are trying to , you know , get together , club together and make sure that say the surcharge of , of each of land erm is at least being re reduced or abolished .
5 Bridget 's hand in the small of her back reminded her gently that she was obstructing the entrance .
6 Well why would he want to tell him all his failures , especially that he 's viewing Nick as an opponent .
7 Especially that it 's headed by Mrs Grigorovich , Natalya Bessmertnova .
8 The railways railwaymen were demanding more , because they felt quite rightly that they were giving more to the railways .
9 ‘ Kelly would tell her friends quite naturally that she was dying , she did n't fear it , ’ says Mike .
10 It was bad enough that they were deceiving these innocent , kindly folk — did he have to do it so well ?
11 ‘ Serious enough that I 'm following up on it .
12 ’ John made it clear enough that he was thinking of the Roman curia : ‘ In our everyday ministry we often have to listen , greatly to our sorrow , to those … who do not have much discretion or balance ’ .
13 Suddenly , it was not enough that he was touching her face .
14 It is likely to be , even , that two mental events are not of the same type on two occasions when I give a more explicit description of my experience , perhaps that I was thinking that my daughter is a quick thinker .
15 Whether offensive or defensive strategies are being reassessed , the Gulf War has brought home the fact that automation has become the cornerstone of virtually all new military systems — so much so that we are moving steadily towards a fully automated battlefield .
16 Andrew Holden , joint secretary of the Northern Examining Association , said : ‘ We will be looking at the position and seeing whether we think it is worthwhile to offer a similar scheme or whether we would prefer to cut the general level of fees so that we are competing on even terms . ’
17 In her forty-four year life , Mary ruled for only six , so that we are faced with another thirty-eight years when she had virtually no role in her kingdom , being a minor and absentee ruler for the first nineteen , and a deposed queen for the second .
18 This request for information provides a direction for the conversational fragment , so that we are considering speech with some purpose and not just social chat used to pass the time .
19 This essentially rational nature of the human essence explains why thought — such thought as Spinoza tries to express in his work — can influence our behaviour , so that we are guided by conceptions of good and evil .
20 May the merciful God hold his hand over us so that we are guided in his way and seek for peace which he has prepared for us .
21 And part of the reason of course the dialect is gone is that we unconsciously sort of translate what we 're going to say into good English so that we 're understood .
22 So that we 're prepared within the Rural Housing Trust to look at all these ideas , and we 've been looking at the whole question , we feel that this has got to be one for the planners , the planners must be involved in identifying where these problems lie , they 're not uniform , all across the country , er and it 's something that er we therefore need to use the planning er scenario entirely and fully in order to identify where the problem lies .
23 Our initial impressions of Utopia are very positive , so much so that we 're going to install the application to log all the Windows related problems , hints , tips and fixes encountered via this column .
24 She turned and leant against the edge of the parapet , so that we were facing opposite ways , and came to a decision .
25 We went off to parade for lunch ; this meant ten minutes doing press-ups with the Corporal halting us in mid exercise so that we were poised between the ground and the arms-stretched position — as our limbs weakened so people started to slump and collapse , which resulted in kicks and blows .
26 cos is southern Italy and it was nice and sunny during the daytime , so much so that we were walking about in just T-shirts er and all the Italians that came to us said , ye well language , what on earth are you doing without your er sweater
27 I crouched down so that we were eyeballing each other and began to pull funny faces , the sort of expressions you do in traffic jams when you do n't think anyone 's watching .
28 As we pulled through a grove of bedraggled trees , the horse shied violently and stood up on its hind legs , neighing , between the shafts , so that we were tipped backwards .
29 There were no cinemas or pubs or dances so that we were forced to find pleasure in the ordinary things which surrounded us , the sky and books and the changing seasons .
30 So that they 're getting a even tanned
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