Example sentences of "[adv] he [vb past] [pron] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Gently he released her and stood up .
2 Then his hands came around her and gently he lifted her and carried her back to the bed .
3 I would n't mind him being Heathcliff 's son , if only he loved her and could be a good husband to her . ’
4 Perhaps he thought she and Naylor were so enamoured of each other that he was always there .
5 So he crossed himself and went away .
6 so he got it and it 's a real cracker it is , real good house
7 Tawell now found Sara Hart a nagging inconvenience , and so he shifted her and the children to a cottage at Salt Hill near Slough .
8 So he took it and tore the shit out of it , and made it as ratty as possible , ’ says DiCillo .
9 So he disconnected it and told the council it did n't work .
10 At about four o'clock he opened it and yelled to Emmie to fetch the Elastoplast .
11 right on down that valley anyway he bought it and he
12 Finally he nerved himself and confessed about his visions .
13 The endearment eased the expression of pain on his face a little , but still he held me and still he searched my eyes for something I knew was n't there .
14 So he and his rider galloped up a long hill and then down a longer hill and then up another hill and so on without a break for eight exhausting miles , and the more his rider puffed and gasped for breath , the more he enjoyed himself and the faster he went !
15 It 's the same job as an editor of a publication has to get writers to go along without it all sounding like he wrote it or she wrote it , and the , but a good editor can figure out how to do that and a good writer likes it because it means erm they 'll go together or work better and readers will like it , understand it .
16 Erm Colonel has supported very actively the current Three-Ninetieth Missile Wing like he supported us and he is respectfully known to them as Uncle Joe .
17 A month later he discharged himself and trudged south to London .
18 She whimpered and shifted against him , and instantly he released her and straightened away from her with a ragged sigh .
19 Now he drained it and squinted at her through the glass .
20 Sherlock Holmes was listening with his eyes closed , but now he opened them and looked at Helen Stoner .
21 Today there is dispute about how far he caused his and his followers deaths , or they were victims of a needless tragedy .
22 I do n't wan na be told that somebody and some remote things , like which was mine , and somebody would say , well he saw it and he saw the policeman ah they would come , they 've never catch them !
23 A few years ago he punched me and knocked my front teeth out .
24 Intently he watched it and then searched with renewed care all the nearer part of the Waste .
25 Slowly he righted himself and took off the mask , although she could not see his face for she was not looking at him .
26 Erm and then what he did was , he they went through it together and he showed her what to do and she followed him and and as she did things right he praised her and gave her feedback and said she 'd done it correctly and then then when there were things did n't understand she questioned him and then he clarified her .
27 After a little he remembered it and sang out loud ,
28 Then he left them and joined a small local firm of advisers , contacted me again and recommended another insurance company — Scottish Amicable .
29 Then he left her and went to bed .
30 And then he left her and he went with this three masted top schooner she was , very fine ship .
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