Example sentences of "[adv] he [verb] [adv] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Gently he felt over her ribcage .
2 And before long he drank up his coffee and slipped out .
3 If it is stretching the imagination to describe any West Indian fast bowler as a gentle giant he is nevertheless mild-mannered and easy-going , and it is significant that while the likes of Croft and Marshall were doing unpleasant things to batsmen 's heads , the damage that Garner inflicted was mostly confined to arms and hands ; obviously any broken bone is bad and obviously he sent down his share of bouncers , but there was never the suggestion that he was using his physical advantages maliciously ; six feet eight inches 12 metres ) tall and weighing seventeen stones ( 108 kilograms ) , the prospect of the carnage he might have caused had he been of an aggressive nature hardly bears thinking about .
4 He assumed that by now the allied Generals must be aware of the French advance , but it was still his duty to report what he had seen and so he kicked back his heels , waved farewell to the Prussians , and rode on .
5 In 1812 , when war broke out between the infant U.S.A. and Britain over territorial disputes on the Canadian border , Eckford was asked by the U.S. Government to supervise the building of warships on the great lakes and to do so he gave up his own business .
6 So he worked out his notice , packed his bags and left .
7 At ten o'clock he switched off his computer and put away his books .
8 Soon he set up his own lecture school .
9 Finally he made up his mind about something : he asked Changez about Jamila and how she was .
10 Still he kept up his speed , stayed in the same lane as the oncoming juggernaut .
11 Her meaning was not lost on John , but still he held forth his hand .
12 Quickly he rolled down his window .
13 Yesterday he kept up his high strike rate on the continent when winning on Spaghetti Western for John Dunlop in Italy .
14 Twice more he drew back his arm and twice more failed to strike .
15 When he got home he started up his exercise routine again .
16 like he sticking up his head they did and er course the kids said they was going to get th , and he
17 Later he put aside his grief to invite successor Bill Clinton to the White House for a few tips on settling in .
18 A month later he closed out his long position when the futures price had risen to £66 300 .
19 Later he set up his own research centre , the Glynn Research Laboratories in Cornwall .
20 Automatically he glanced over his shoulder — and was startled to discover two bulky men in long overcoats standing some distance away — both very obviously watching him .
21 Swiftly and efficiently he took off her clothes and his own .
22 Roughly he pushed back his chair and stood .
23 Now he put together his own group from the bored teenagers who frequented his shop and invited his old art-school colleague Jamie Reid to join the plot .
24 Now he lifts up his eyes again , and sees the animal that is his son 's salvation , a ram caught in a thicket .
25 Before Jennifer 's arrival he had left Hill House early in the morning and had returned home late ; now he sat over his breakfast in order to ogle her when she brought it to him , and came home early — and sober — to mooch about the house and engage her in conversation while she swept the rooms or tended the roast .
26 Maybe this is because Wodehouse 's country house settings were always a never-never land which defy visual translation , whereas his view of America , however far he sent up his adopted country , had closer links with reality .
27 Here he stuck out his chest and strutted about like a professional walker setting out on a long distance race .
28 Dublin Castle , like most things in Ireland , was somewhat dilapidated , but here he set up his new court .
29 Slowly he put down his glass and moved towards her .
30 Eventually he took over their management and put them into red patent leather suits , effectively driving the last nail into The Dolls ’ coffin .
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