Example sentences of "[adv] he [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly he seemed to be standing very close to the bed .
2 Yeah , but you know he 's an old , I mean you know the guy he 's quite an old , old fart basically he likes to be looked after
3 Perhaps he ceased to be useful to her once she 'd had some success in England — I do n't know .
4 Perhaps he wants to be left alone . ’
5 If he ca n't afford a Solicitor and he feels he ought to be represented by a Solicitor , he may apply for Legal Aid , and of course it 's public money concerned so I suppose in an ideal society everybody would be legally assisted who wanted to be , but obviously we ca n't afford that as a country , so that erm generally erm his application would be judged according to certain criteria erm which would suggest perhaps he needed to be represented .
6 From these reports , it seems that Huntingford at least was not satisfied that Vial was all he claimed to be .
7 Paul next door left school , you know , he cou all he wanted to be was a mechanic , it 's , it 's all he 's ever been , he 's really good .
8 John 's insights into her situation are astoundingly accurate … but is he all he seems to be ?
9 So he studied to be a doctor , and went out to India .
10 So he ordered to be brought to him the finest silk cloth and brilliant threads , and made for pleasure what he had once needed to make for harsh necessity .
11 So he decides to be cautious and for the first few laps , he just sits and waits .
12 got to go to the hospital , he 's going to see a friend that 's had operation and er so he wants to be out at half past six so
13 That was first thing in the morning , at two o'clock he had to be brought home .
14 Thus he seems to be arguing from within a position which holds that aggression is an innate attribute of sufficient strength that it needs to be redirected in some way for it not to manifest itself in interhuman relations .
15 Soon he hopes to be at a new home in a different area , where he hopes to be able to live his life in peace .
16 True , he was quite relaxed and , as always , full of bonhomie , but somehow he seemed to be looking with far greater intensity towards the past than the present .
17 Nigger could only have arrived home that same day and already he seemed to be queering Yanto 's pitch .
18 So over-blessed a nature must bring a man either to a throne or a grave before ever he lived to be old .
19 Thereafter he continued to be an influential committee-man until he returned to Ireland as a parliamentary commissioner in June 1649 .
20 For once he seems to be at a loss for words .
21 ‘ Everything in life has to be paid for , and if a man does wrong he deserves to be punished , ’ she says .
22 Urgently he requested to be reinforced by at least two companies .
23 Now he hopes to be home by the weekend … and even working by Christmas .
24 His distrust of the king was such that he had recently refused to attend or to do so without a large and menacing retinue ; now he agreed to be present and to keep the peace , while the bishops guaranteed his safety .
25 And now he began to be more devout than ever in his prayers , more ardent in divine contemplations , more frequent in his vigils , more energetic in exhortations and in works worthy of imitation and more frequent in preaching ; thus becoming a pattern in word and deed of a holy life to all , Rich in the bowels of compassion , he relieved everyone who sought his assistance .
26 Last night he had been suffering from jet lag ; now he seemed to be fully recovered , and power flowed from him in waves .
27 First the man insulted her , and now he seemed to be taking a perverse delight in taunting her .
28 Now he seemed to be implying that there was something immoral in how she earned her living .
29 Twenty-four hours ago she had been barely aware of his existence ; now he seemed to be taking over her life !
30 Now he pretended to be waving his cape at the bull and executed a neat veronica , then she kicked her leg up backwards and touched her heel with her fingers while he looked scornfully on with one hand behind his back palm facing outwards .
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