Example sentences of "[adv] it [verb] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Basically it seems that Tod scores drugs here .
2 Perhaps it meant that Cindy Hill had revealed at least some of whatever it was that bothered her , which was a good thing , really .
3 Or perhaps it proves that women tend to try to be attractive to upstage one another and they completely forget that men are going to find them attractive too . ’
4 And so it happened that Jenny came to live with Winnie Bailey , rejoicing in her new flat and the modern kitchen where she had full scope for her passion for cooking .
5 So it seems that Laboulbeniales not only show host specificity and position-on-host specificity , but may also display sex-of-host specificity .
6 So it seems that Ras can be activated by merely increasing the total cellular concentration of activator , without requiring receptor-dependent modification .
7 To which of the Bedfordshire boys hast thou disposed thy heart that thus it mopes and pants to be with him ?
8 Farming comes in for much criticism , largely it appears because farmers have responded to the need to make a livelihood from the land by producing more primary commodities using industrial techniques .
9 Conversely it argues that Afro-Caribbeans tend to have weaker links with primary care , come to treatment later , are admitted more often via the statutory authorities , and have less effective family networks to return to .
10 Thereafter it appears that Haycock himself rather than his father was the main architect member of the firm , although , in partnership with his brother Robert , he continued to engage in building as well as architecture until c .1845 , after which he practised as an architect only .
11 You thought that you had problems halvard … on the teletext yesterday it said that agencies in Ireland were selling tickets for their 3 games at a staggering 250 quid each ! !
12 And yesterday it emerged that Britain 's inflation rate of 4.1pc had fallen below that of Germany for the first time in 25 years .
13 More than ever it seemed that Doreen wanted to discuss matters that niggled at her mind , even with a stranger , so she turned in her chair to face the other woman and said frankly , ‘ I do n't see how you can blame my aunt .
14 He 's , well not necessarily made his mind but you can suggest that he might , may have done and also it seems that Alfiera is slightly half hearted in the way he erm like tries to convince Eddie cos it seems that i it , I get the feeling that Alfiera already knows and just thinking well there 's no point in getting really het up about it , so he , he tries , he says look it 's not a good idea but in the end
15 Here also it appears that sub-sales are taken into account more readily than in the case of non-delivery .
16 Not only does this mean that science is handled by a senior member of the Canadian cabinet — a tax lawyer who once said that the last thing that Canada needs is more tax lawyers — but also it means that science and technology are seen as a part of the process of economic development .
17 Inevitably it did and Glasgow 's cafe bars gave an audible sigh of relief : champagne and chips was back on the menu .
18 Now it says that groups like the British National Party hope to feed on the ultra-nationalist rhetoric of the French National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen and the rise of neo-Nazism amidst the mass unemployment and economic hardships of eastern Germany .
19 But now it says that telecommunications is a strategically important market .
20 Now it appears that Paul Biya , Cameroon 's president , head of state and party chairman , has — in the words of a recent article in Japan 's Daily Yomiuri — ‘ decided to do what most of the world 's poorer nations do when they need ready cash , and approached [ Japan 's ] Foreign Affairs Ministry . ’
21 Now it appeared that Mario and his halfwit nephew were making fun of him .
22 Last October the IMF pencilled in growth of 2% for 1993 ; now it reckons that output will contract by 2% .
23 Christians in particular have trouble with this part of the grief response because so often it seems that Christians are not meant to be angry — especially when the feeling is commonly directed towards God personally , as it were : ‘ I try to live a good life and see what He has let happen …
24 Often it claims that results obtained by such methods do not need formalization ; that they explain themselves ; and that they generate the new questions that the discipline needs .
25 Typically it means that steps are taken to ensure that women do not take away a proportion of the kin group 's resources when they marry — which can mean variously , that women 's sexuality is tightly controlled , that women are given little choice about whom they marry , that there is a preference for choosing marriage partners from within the kin groups ( Tillion , 1983 ; Goddard , 1987 ) .
26 Quite frequently it happens that mystics are deeply influenced by philosophy , even though they tend to decry ‘ the meddling intellect ’ .
27 How long ago it seemed since Sergeant Huzzi Rork had told Lexandro that he might return home again in twenty years , in thirty years , if the Fists so wished .
28 Nowadays it means that Mr Morris chairs the House when Chancellor Norman Lamont delivers his budget … and he also presides when the House goes into committee to discuss the detailed budget legislation .
29 Nowadays it means that Mr Morris chairs the House when Chancellor Norman Lamont delivers his budget … and he also presides when the House goes into committee to discuss the detailed budget legislation .
30 ‘ But thankfully it looks like things 'll be gittin' back to normal again round these parts .
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