Example sentences of "[adv] to be [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 The usually veiled criticism contained in the report material , and the open comment coming to light in denunciations and court prosecutions , have necessarily to be regarded as the tip of the iceberg .
2 The mock-ups confirmed that the depth of forty-one inches would make the blocks massive enough to be understood as volumes in relation to the volume of the space .
3 Rabbits and foxes are common enough to be regarded as a nuisance ; there are also hedgehogs , voles , mice and other rodents .
4 It is true that the Romans had constructed two or three artificial waterways in this country large enough to be regarded as canals : Car Dike that winds from Peterborough up to Lincoln , the Foss Dike joining the Witham and the Trent , and perhaps the Itchen Dike from Winchester to the Itchen .
5 In time , the results may look coherent enough to be defined as Majorism .
6 So the network relationships contracted between individuals are functional , just as linguistic variation is also functional ( L. Milroy , 1987 , discusses examples in which social network relationships are important enough to be viewed as survival mechanisms ) .
7 Sentences with subjects having definite referents , such as ( 80 ) , assert the definite referent 's having performed the infinitival event based on the fact that perception of this event took place , and , as stated above , this means that the definite referent 's having performed this action must be significant enough to be stated as a fact ( known through the perceptual event having taken place ) .
8 There were small clumps of purple china roses in the continental style , heavy and sharp enough to be used as weapons ; wreaths of laurel , and hellebore flowers in white plastic with glittered stamens .
9 The face is dished , like that of the Jersey , and it probably has some Jersey blood from the nineteenth century , while the brindling probably comes from the old Normandy Isigny variety , a good butter producer and big enough to be used as a draught ox on Alderney and Guernsey , whither it was taken by monks in the time of William the Conqueror .
10 In so far as history aspires to meaning , it is doomed to select regions , periods , groups of men and individuals in these groups and to make them stand out , as discontinuous figures , against a continuity barely good enough to be used as a backdrop .
11 When the background was off-white , the pattern was unobtrusive enough to be used as wallpaper in several features advertising other products and ‘ Laura Ashley ’ gained much incidental publicity in this way .
12 Chevenement enjoyed 18 months ' political success , during which time he did well enough to be tipped as the next prime minister .
13 Very severe weight loss is called the HIV wasting syndrome ( also known as ‘ slim disease ’ in Africa ) and is severe enough to be included as a form of AIDS in revised definitions of that syndrome .
14 Women with clusters of symptoms not severe or frequent enough to be classified as cases were labelled borderline cases , although some women with one or two symptoms were rated as normal .
15 For most of its life , and certainly for its early years , it was either too outspoken to be a children 's show , but not high-brow enough to be considered as adult entertainment .
16 A priori then , it would seem that Ho Chi Minh and his government were only to be regarded as an extension of Soviet power ; an assumption that was to be reinforced by the second constraint which originated in the Department of State .
17 ‘ To promote closer union ’ means that it is , in the Council 's judgement , an acceptable means towards fuller unity in some circumstances , and not only to be seen as an expression of full unity already achieved .
18 The decline in the position of history in many of our schools is signified by the fact that it failed not only to be ranked as a core subject in the National Curriculum reinstated under the Education Reform Act of 1988 but was struggling hard for its survival on the list of foundation subjects as schools in the early 1990s tried to pour the National Curriculum quart into the school timetable pint pot .
19 A fourth option — only to be used as a desperate measure — is to take a loan usually as a second charge on the family home .
20 The taxi driver , who asked only to be known as Terry , became the next victim of the knifeman .
21 This first major work of his ( 1928 ) came swiftly to be recognised as a masterpiece here and abroad and secured for Keeton an early Cambridge LLD .
22 On a first reading it seems puzzling that the ‘ Poorer Growth ’ camps should be those of five or six of our best camp managers whose experience of diet is exceptional , and that the ‘ Good Growth ’ camps should include two Managers whose catering has constantly to be reviewed as not up to our standard .
23 The memorandum ( endorsed by the National Joint Advisory Council representing the British Employers ' Confederation , the TUC , and the nationalized industries ) identified as the essential problem the provision of a place in society for the ever-growing proportion of elderly persons and suggested that : ‘ Age sixty-five for men and sixty for women ought no longer to be regarded as ‘ normal retiring age ’ ' .
24 In this context , then , approaches to education must begin from the notion , articulated by André Gorz and others , that ours is a post-industrial society where paid work on a full-time basis is no longer to be seen as the norm , and where ‘ education for life ’ rather than ‘ training for jobs ’ should be the objective .
25 Although he was opposed to war and sometimes his pacifist fervour offended strangers during the war years , nevertheless to be rejected as a weakling was an affront to a proud and physically courageous man like Modigliani .
26 First of all , thanks to the Editor for asking for a short article from the unions ( soon to be united as Unison ) for the inaugural Highways Department News Sheet .
27 These monumental works employed the ogee curve , an important development in English Gothic , soon to be exported as the basis for continental Flamboyant .
28 A united South Africa within the British Empire was the purpose for which , almost from the beginning of the Boer War , Lord Milner laboured and assembled the galaxy of British talent soon to be known as his kindergarten .
29 Eileen Kinnaird , whose husband Rick was a prime mover of the event , led an all-girl team soon to be known as the ‘ Mama-Sans ’ which made its mark by beating the men on a disqualification .
30 Thereafter , a civil war was waged between the re-formed Irish Volunteers ( soon to be known as the IRA ) and the Royal Irish Constabulary ( RIC ) .
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