Example sentences of "[adv] to [art] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Thirty years later , the rapid reconquest of the duchy by the French owed much to the threat posed by the French king 's artillery against the defences of towns which preferred to surrender than to make a fight of it .
2 The accurate hitting of targets in September owes much to the decisions made as to whether or not to confirm offers to those who have not quite met the conditions , a process strongly influenced by estimates ( based on past experience ) of the likely take up by those that have .
3 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
4 Lord Bellomont 's position as Governor in New York , Massachusetts , and New Hampshire , and military commander in Connecticut , Rhode Island , and New Jersey was similar enough to the position held by the Governor of the Dominion of New England to show that unification was not just an eccentric idea launched by James II .
5 Thence northwards to Mina 's land , so eastward to the stream and over it at the place called Ufa 's ford , thence to the place called Lagness , thence to Laxley , and so to the place called Balsham , thence to the bridge at Ellridge , and thus northwards besides the marshy places , over this to the stream called ( Aldingbourne Rife ) and thence east to Waermund 's enclosure , thence to Wador 's barrow from that place to the fishpond , and from there to ( Ryebank Rife ) , and so the line runs to the sea …
6 The recovery of the economy was already under way by the spring of 1961 , and probably owed less to the steps mentioned and more to spending on defence and space exploration .
7 Mr. Armitage [ junior counsel for the plaintiff ] suggested that clause ( b ) applies only to a mistake made by the officials in the Registry and not to a mistake made or induced by one or other of the parties .
8 The billions of dollars in aid promised to the Soviet economy should still be on offer : but only to a leader prepared to take the army out of politics and keep the promise of reform .
9 Mr. Robert Hughes : I think that the Minister intended some slight criticism of the new clause on the ground that it refers only to the companies covered by the Bill .
10 So , logical and impressive as the associate flower learning of honey bees seems , these hard-working insects appear simply to be well-programmed learning machines , attending only to the cues deemed salient by evolution ( and then only in well-defined contexts and often during precise critical periods ) — and then filing the information thus obtained in pre-existing arrays .
11 It is important to emphasize that the discussion thus far has been developed , and the above conclusions have been reached , within the framework of the traditional account , which rests upon certain crucial assumptions common not only to the writers connected with the traditional account but to certain others not connected with the tradition as well .
12 There have been , and are , scholar-librarians of the old school , wedded to the codex format and to classical culture , but for most librarians their profession is a management exercise and a service among people : on the one hand , the wealth of recorded information and its producers ( authors , editors , directors , photographers , researchers ) and on the other hand , the readership and audience , the people needing access not only to the items stored but to their subject contents .
13 They were of course no different from good maintained grammar schools and owed their survival after 10/65 only to the anomaly created in 1926 and perpetuated in 1944 .
14 ‘ However , an unregistered company is not , except in the event of its being wound up , deemed to be a company under the Companies Act , and then only to the extent provided by this Part of this Act .
15 Tax is deducted from all interest payments at a ‘ composite rate ’ which rate is calculated to yield that amount of tax which would have accrued to the Exchequer had the standard rate been applied only to the interest received by those liable to pay tax .
16 He suggests that authenticity can be understood as relating not only to the language selected to be taught but the task on which the learner is engaged and the social setting which is created in the classroom .
17 Then Jane goes away to a school called Lowood .
18 There we have in one of its aspects the likeness of the old country society that has just passed away to the society described by Chaucer : a cool , matter-of-fact treatment of a subject that could have so many overtones .
19 Further , if one looks at the picture for some time , one generally finds , involuntarily , that what one sees changes frequently from a staircase viewed from above to a staircase viewed from below and back again .
20 … ( 6 ) In this section ‘ costs ’ means costs as between party and party , and includes the costs of applying for an order under this section ; and where a party begins to receive representation after the proceedings have been instituted , or ceases to receive representation before they are finally decided or otherwise receives representation in connection with part only of the proceedings , the reference in subsection ( 2 ) above to the costs incurred by the unassisted party in the proceedings shall be construed as a reference to so much of those costs as is attributable to that part .
21 It was Freeth 's custom to write songs — setting his words to popular tunes — about remarkable events in local and national news , and to sing them nightly to the company assembled at his Coffee House .
22 Additionally , although the cars must conform broadly to the standards required for full Type Approval , the need for physical tests of door hinges and latches , protective steering and anti-theft devices will all be waived .
23 If isostatic compensation is local , that is if vertical adjustments of the lithosphere in response to the removal of a load are confined just to the area covered by the original load , then isostatic uplift simply reduces the rate at which a land-surface is lowered by denudation ( Fig. 4.7(A) ) .
24 Perhaps the most convincing argument for the reality of species is that the kinds of animals and plants recognized by pre-literate peoples have been found to correspond almost exactly to the species recognized by modern taxonomists in the same area .
25 The point is , you do not have to work the garment exactly to the proportions given if you have concluded that you would prefer some minor adjustment …
26 This is quite understandable if the non-specified version of the infinitive 's support corresponds to a " generalized person " : since this person is the virtual sum of all persons ( first , second or third ) , if to snow is not explicitly referred to it , the infinitive is felt as having a possible reference to " me " or " you " , which corresponds exactly to the impression produced by the sentence above and explains why it does not make sense .
27 Through you , Mr. Speaker , I wish to apologise unreservedly to the families involved in Friday 's bombing , to those who represent them in this House , and to all those in our wider society who would have taken wholly justified offence .
28 In the flat desert land of a cattle station in Northwestern Australia , close to a place called Gogo by the aborigines , rises a line of strange steep-sided rocky bluffs , 300 metres high .
29 When the light went out , Rain had the suspicion they were not alone on the stairs , that someone was watching them , perhaps they actually passed close to a figure pressed into the shadows .
30 Cuts of this size would bring the US close to the target sought by many other industrialized countries to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to 1990 levels by the year 2000 .
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