Example sentences of "[adv] have [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and then I 'll only have to carry forward of about three thousand , plus me twelve thousand deposit
2 You will only have to cancel once for the message to be understood .
3 A purpose-built waterfall will obviously have to conform visually to the site and fulfil its function of delivering water from a higher area to a pool below .
4 With particular regard to the interests of our client , other than taking an overview , we obviously have to look specifically at the southwest sector as a as a possible location .
5 It just has to walk downstairs with the Queen on a lead and sit beside her .
6 And er until it became the time when the thing got smaller and smaller and we finally had to do away with that place .
7 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
8 Cook breezed through again but was upended by Ards keeper Stephen Vance — no penalty , but Vance soon had to save again from Cook and both Stuart McLean and Alan Ewing rattled the woodwork .
9 So , although the Third World gets less for its rubber , tin or copper , it still has to pay more for manufactured goods from the rich world .
10 This means that the opponent always has to step forwards in order to make an attack , thus warning you well in advance .
11 She wrote to Jane at the start of her employment : ‘ There are two things I beg you to do : get your time each day in the fresh air and strictly limit the hours you spend on your work , which I have always had to do anyway with such a large family and it does make sense in the end .
12 We 'll still have to do all round the doors , round the you know .
13 Mandarin 's jockey Fred Winter , four times champion , was no stranger to Auteuil yet still had to work hard at memorizing the peculiar configurations of the course .
14 I might have been able to afford to pay them on the spot because of the win , but I still had to get home on the train that night .
15 This was surely the coldest and draughtiest station in the country , and I always had to wait there about midnight ; and I used to pray that the train would stop with a door opposite to me , so that I should have some chance of getting on at all .
16 She always had to stay alone on weekday afternoons , and whenever she was told to shut up , she had to shut up .
17 ‘ You always have to look forward in life . ’
18 I 'd probably have to go there on the eighth .
19 When the patient returns to work , he will probably have to work part-time at first , as he gets used to the discipline and pressures of working again .
20 The member states will also have to report annually to the commission on the amount and type of waste shipped .
21 It is worth noting , in passing , that many natural sciences also have to rely solely on observation and comparison , for example , astronomy , seismology , and climatology .
22 Toy manufacturers also have to think ahead in order to cater for the numbers of school children and babies .
23 I also have to think only of money .
24 Picture a teenage girl in Morocco for whom premarital loss of virginity is culturally intolerable and who faces the ‘ choice ’ , under male duress , of tolerating anal intercourse , or of submitting to vaginal penetration knowing that she will thereby have to leave home for a life of prostitution ; she may even know that both are related to acquisition of HIV .
25 IN THE fight against aquatic weeds , which block drainage ditches and hamper fishing and water sports , British water authorities have up to now had to resort either to herbicides or mechanical cutting .
26 I think at the end it must come down to two things ; one basically a change in attitude — we have to come to recognise that we live in a very , very technological society , that most of us were born before man walked on the moon , but the kids in school were born in an age when man had walked on the moon ten years ago and they live in a world which is very scientific , and we have to recognise that — and the other one is practical sense , I think , where we really have to look seriously to in-service training of teachers , a ) and b ) we have to look carefully at the way we train teachers now .
27 I think at the end it must come down to two things ; one basically a change in attitude — we have to come to recognise that we live in a very , very technological society , that most of us were born before man walked on the moon , but the kids in school were born in an age when man had walked on the moon ten years ago and they live in a world which is very scientific , and we have to recognise that — and the other one is practical sense , I think , where we really have to look seriously to in-service training of teachers , a ) and b ) we have to look carefully at the way we train teachers now .
28 ‘ I am concerned that if I now have to respond fully to that part of the plaintiffs ' order of 5 June dealing with the various alleged payments my position vis-à-vis the police investigation may well be prejudiced .
29 I have always used a magnetic board and marker to follow the chart and found that I did n't even have to look away from it whilst punching , thus speeding up the whole process considerably .
30 The girl then had to sit nervously on the edge of the sofa — there were n't many chairs — while the guest stretched himself , yawning , naked and sweaty .
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