Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Others who have done so have argued that elderly people are often faced with a choice between an unpleasant battle to survive in their own homes and an equally unpleasant enforced dependence in the institution ( Wilkin and Hughes , 1987 ) .
2 His expression for once had lost that unyielding look , and uncertainty flickered for an instant in the glance he bestowed on her .
3 The president and the parliament are struggling for power , but both have said that individual savers will be compensated for the ravages of inflation .
4 Laboratory studies in which researchers have set up tasks in which failure could be induced experimentally have indicated that depressed people have a tendency to blame themselves if they get the task wrong , and the ease of the task if they get it right .
5 The CFTC might well have felt that desperate moves were necessary to remind those in authority that it still exists .
6 Opinion in Texas prison circles , with hindsight , seems to be that TDC should simply have admitted that various provisions for prisoners were unsatisfactory and inadequate .
7 Older characterizations of ‘ speech community ’ , such as that of Wyld ( 1927 : 47 ) , assume that everybody speaking a ‘ dialect ’ speaks in the same way : these scholars would therefore have believed that inner-city Belfast is homogeneous and would simply not have expected to find the enormous diversity that actually does exist , so they probably would not have bothered to investigate it .
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