Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not necessarily in agreement with their conclusions .
2 Heads adopting a ‘ chief teacher ’ or ‘ team leader ’ role tended to be more visible and accessible to staff , especially in respect of their need for support and advice on everyday teaching problems : their physical base was the classroom as much as , or more than , the office .
3 Was Slater serious about them being some sort of childhood sweethearts , or even just close enough in age for their parents to think … ?
4 Whatever the individual circumstances , this facility liberates borrowers , perhaps in conjunction with their financial advisers , to make their own repayment arrangements .
5 And then with writing , too , they have the opportunity to develop those talents , perhaps in addition to their own erm school writing .
6 Although those in the control sample in Ipswich appear more likely to be in receipt of home help than those in the action sample ( perhaps in compensation for their lack of Home Support Project help ) the mean number of home help hours received by those who were getting any was higher in the action than control sample ( 3.8 hours per week compared with 2.4 hours in the control group ) .
7 The main difference between the action and control sample in Newham was that the control sample was significantly more likely to be in receipt of day care ( perhaps in compensation for their lack of project help . )
8 They tend to review their arrangements — perhaps in consultation with their unions — so that allowances remain within Inland Revenue limits ( to ensure employees do not pay tax on them ) and so they provide adequate compensation for any costs incurred and the domestic upheaval involved in moving .
9 If two groups have different perspectives , then , in so far as they are able to create the world , they naturally attempt to do so in accordance with their own perspective , or ‘ habitus ’ .
10 This meant that museums not only became progressively poorer , but also less in control of their purchasing policies .
11 The tax 's defenders point out that only between a third and a half of church members pay the levy , and then only in proportion to their incomes .
12 Despite the interest of some well-known industrialists , manufacturers as a group seem to have contributed only in proportion to their weight in the population .
13 Why should the first use of ‘ Here ’ bask in the reflected glory of the second , granted that the first serves to inform others of my whereabouts only in virtue of their being able to locate sounds ?
14 In this respect , I have drawn evidence from case studies of two women teachers in a Roman Catholic comprehensive school to illustrate the way in which gender , religion and feminism interact with each other not only in relation to their appointments but also in relation to their work with pupils .
15 Hence today such schemes will rarely lead to the creation of a special class of share ; it is only in relation to their allotment , financing , and provision for re-purchase by the company or the trustees of the scheme that there will be special arrangements which the Act facilitates by exclusions from the normal restrictions on purchase of own shares and on the provision of finance by a company for the acquisition of its shares .
16 This Order , which is now in force , imposes a levy on employers in the engineering construction industry ( including employers who are not mainly engaged in engineering construction activities ; for them , the levy will be imposed only in respect of their engineering construction activities ) .
17 He reminded the Treasury that in 1856 he had made it a policy that all public buildings in London should be open to competition and not given as a matter of course to one of his officers , and if their Lordships did not want to hold another competition , they could well appoint the winner of the Foreign Office design , as the judges had selected the prize-winning schemes ‘ not only in regard to their external appearance , but more especially on account of the excellence of their internal arrangements ’ .
18 The Bhundu Boys from Zimbabwe began playing together in celebration of their country 's independence 11 years ago .
19 Obviously tortoises and armadillos can not be classified together in spite of their similarities .
20 Within the citadel there was constant bickering between abbot , Viscount and towns-people — grown so rich that they obeyed no one , remarked Geoffrey of Vigeois ruefully — and yet also a sense of being bound together in opposition to their neighbour , the bishop 's city .
21 The T-55s , at least , would not have been much in evidence in their previous table-top forays against the Red Army .
22 But Poulantzas argues that this interpretation is a mistake because the policy actually serves the interests of monopolies better than any available alternative , and is thus in line with their strategy .
23 They played on the concourse , and er were always being shouted at by residents who did n't want them er playing just in front of their places .
24 The move would have boosted rock-bottom Tory morale just in time for their conference next week .
25 If young people , as yet unformed in their disciplines and unconfident in their values , are left largely in control of their own leisure time and the adults to whom they are closest are either absent or benignly indifferent to their activities , then a moral vacuum is created .
26 Both admire the cultivation and beauty of many country houses , old and new , modest and fine , but always in harmony with their surroundings and with themselves .
27 After victories on Saturday over Cotswold and Victoria ( Street ) , the Ely team of Stewart Seymour , Kevin King , David Bell and Greg Harlow had a quarter-final success yesterday against Victory ( Portsmouth ) and were always in control in their semi-final against Moonfleet Weymouth , who had been in sharp form earlier against Torbay , Preston ( Brighton ) and County Arts Norwich .
28 Figure 1.1 shows the three types of text , listed left-to-right in order of their recognition complexity .
29 They could thus create , ostensibly in defence of their rights , islands of lawlessness in which criminals could take sanctuary and defy the forces of law and order .
30 Support for the Distribution 's ‘ tails ’ diminishes rapidly in proportion to their distance from the centre .
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