Example sentences of "[adv] a long way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An account of the decline of partisan and religious strife , by contrast , would take us past the Hanoverian Succession — indeed , perhaps a long way past it .
2 Many thousands of earthquakes can be recorded along the ridges in any one year and a few of these are quite severe , but since they are generally a long way from anywhere , they do n't hit the headlines .
3 They were usually a long way from the London merchants who set up as gentry , but this group represented nonetheless a significant local urban aristocracy .
4 In his message to the nation of 31 December 1950 , Franco admitted that " the rhythm of resettlement is still a long way below our ambitions " , but immediately excused this by saying that a sector so vital as agriculture would be damaged by " erroneous or precipitate reform " .
5 However , a policy which takes full account of women 's needs is still a long way off ( Cockburn , 1985 ) .
6 Soccer it 's claimed is still a long way off finding a cure for violence .
7 Efficiency plateaux are still a long way from becoming a feature of Southern energy economics .
8 Even America , where the squeeze on banks is tightest , is still a long way from a banking collapse like that of the 1930s .
9 Scanning the names of judges , senior policemen , politicians , journalists and hoodlums , together with the abrupt manner of their disposal — shot , strangled , dissolved in acid , fed to pigs — the reader is left in little doubt that , although today 's Mafia may have grown into a global enterprise , it is still a long way from joining the ranks of the world 's leading multinationals .
10 Dustin Hoffman , Robert Redford , Gene Hackman and Robert De Niro were still a long way from making even their first films .
11 Despite what may have appeared as the rejuvenation of an all-but-lost career , Solly is still a long way from committing himself to the marathon .
12 They were now running alongside the wall , but still a long way from the crossing stile .
13 While such machines are still a long way from being able to beat the American champion ( there are about 700 Masters in the US ) , it is clear that the period from 1977 to the present has seen a degree and pace of progress in machine chess that is very different in kind from what went on between 1957 and 1976 .
14 We are still a long way from moving from ‘ the polluted pay ’ to ‘ the polluters pay ’ principle .
15 In man this is very clear , for although a child may be sexually mature and fully grown quite early on in his or her teens , they are still a long way from any degree of emotional maturity .
16 The current South African team is still a long way from emulating the 1960s side which could well have claimed World Championship status if they had been able to test their strength against Garry Sobers ' West Indies .
17 He ran towards him as soon as he came in sight , and he was still a long way from home when the father first spotted him ( Luke 15:20 ) .
18 Even so , Basque autonomy was still a long way from being achieved when , during 1933 , the left 's grip on power started to loosen .
19 Yet , despite its prominence in headhunting in the USA and its global dominance as the highest-earning executive search firm in the world , Korn/Ferry is still a long way from being number one in fee income in Britain .
20 ‘ We 're still a long way from Herr Goodenache . ’
21 ‘ The evidence shows that while it is swinging slowly , it 's still a long way from the centre and it 's certainly not swinging the other way . ’
22 World-wide legal protection of invention and innovation is still a long way from being realized , although countries which include the major producers and users of intellectual property have strong laws protecting the same .
23 It was still a long way from biochemistry , i.e. the understanding of how these substances functioned in the living organism .
24 While the increase is encouraging , scientists at the National Marine Fisheries Service warn that the blue whale is still a long way from being taken off the endangered species list .
25 Guido elaborated , ‘ I 'm afraid I 'm still a long way from forgiving your brother for his irresponsible behaviour . ’
26 THE North-East Hockey League Championship is still a long way from being decided .
27 The North Col on Everest , however , is still a long way from the summit .
28 Who will join them in the Second Division is still a long way from being decided but GS Stirling enhanced their prospects of survival by beating Inverleith 2-0 .
29 It does , unfortunately , leave you rather a long way from your car ; but never mind , at least you 're used to walking by now !
30 Probably a long way from his home town , he would suffer from the same economic deprivation and social stigmatization experienced by the police strikers in 1919 , without the latter 's support and solidarity .
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