Example sentences of "[adv] and [that] [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 A newspaper interview with the very successful American actress Brook Shields quoted her as saying that she constantly worries ‘ that I 'm not pretty enough , that I 'm too fat , that I 'm not smart enough and that I 'm not a good enough actress ’ .
2 You will probably find that this comes naturally and that you are happier and more confident than you thought you would be .
3 Further studies showed that this effect on anomal weight and pellet consumption was not seen with the addition of porcine colipase alone and that there was a significant reduction in total weight of food consumed at six hours when 10 µg synthetic VPDPR was given intraperitoneally .
4 The struggle between the NGC and the PLO leadership was one of several important developments which persuaded the people in the West Bank and Gaza that neither the Arab states nor the PLO were capable of liberating them militarily or diplomatically and that it was pointless to continue to hope for a solution from the outside .
5 We recognise that logically this demands a transfer of resources and effort from the former to the latter , that in the words I have so often quoted , some social services are ‘ excessive ’ and others ‘ inadequate ’ — that it was bound to be so and that it is so .
6 Well because the labour in say this country is over productive , this has an awful lot of categories attached to each unit of labour , that 's why labour is very productive , is that you for each unit of labour employed there might be ten units of capital , I E there are chemicals etcetera , the reason why erm this this pressure on the land in say Africa , Africa , even though the density of population was much less and that there 's virtually no capital there , right , so in order to produce the food , you know the labour has to till the soil by hand and spread the seed by hand
7 I 've a feeling that , that probably they are all together and that they are safe because I think the , the , the , the Soviets are probably trying to , to damp down the issue now by keeping quiet on it , because I think they 've been very rattled .
8 ‘ The aim is to show the kids that we are in the new Europe , that the Dutch children are n't far away and that we are all one . ’
9 Marcus sat carefully on the bunk , feeling that the walls were a long way away and that he was very small .
10 Make sure that each person is able to reach all toilet facilities easily and that they are able to use any support provided .
11 Some felt that they had mellowed already and that they were n't so active as they had been before .
12 There may be a limited exemption for non-profit-making bodies and foundations , provided that the data is used only ‘ as part of their legitimate aims ’ and ‘ on condition that they relate only those members and corresponding members who have consented to being included therein and that they are not communicated to third parties ’ .
13 It felt as though the tree he was sitting in and the green leaves all around him belonged to another world altogether and that he was a trespasser who had no right to be where he was .
14 ‘ did wilfully , openly , lewdly and obscenely ’ These terms are proved by a witness stating the penis was exposed openly and not accidently and that it was erect , stiff or swollen etc .
15 I think it 's vital that any animal we hold in captivity , wild or otherwise is looked after properly and that it 's well done and for that you need help and guidance and you also need minimum standards to ensure it 's done well .
16 He said he was not treated badly and that he was with other political prisoners .
17 With unashamed interest , he studied her anxious , freshly scrubbed face , and she found herself responding to the arrival at last of his faint , elusive smile , her limpid eyes softening with warmth because she knew instinctively that he smiled rarely and that she was privileged .
18 At this point I could see that Maxine was beginning to breathe more quickly and that she was becoming restless .
19 The report 's recommendations are in line with the Industry 's argument that it does not make economic sense to close Britain 's nuclear power plants early and that it is far cheaper to run the stations than to close them .
20 Ultimately each citizen will have a unique NHS number , and nationally linked population registers will ensure both that information needs to be entered only once and that it is available to any clinician caring for the patient .
21 I sincerely trust you are so also and that you are finally established at Government House .
22 I do hope your plans to move are developing smoothly and that you 're feeling happy at the whole prospect .
23 Ensure also that tripod stands are set up securely and that they are in no danger of being accidentally upset by the comings and goings of performers and camera crew .
24 Has not he forgotten to mention that between 1979 and 1981 investment fell sharply and that it was lower in the third quarter of 1991 than in any other quarter — 12 per cent .
25 During the small group discussions , most men confirmed that they would like to make love more often and that it is their partners who restrict how often it occurs .
26 The fact that it is only at puberty that initiation occurs today and that it was only at this age that young males came to pose a threat to the peace and stability of early human societies seems to have had , quite apart from its evident social and psychological consequences , important physiological ones as well .
27 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
28 Do hope term has gone quite well and that you 're not too tired .
29 I only know that it was years ago and that I was not , as I am now , a regular client .
30 For example , it is now known that in Israel anatomically modern humans were present some 90,000 years ago and that there was human occupation of Australia 50,000 years ago .
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