Example sentences of "[adv] and [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other critics shared his view that enough was enough and gave both Marilyn French 's The War Against Women and Susan Faludi 's Backlash a pretty cool reception .
2 Attempts to straighten out the Lang Lang river in Australia between 1920 and 1923 caused a series of cuts into the bank , which progressed rapidly upstream and destroyed seven bridges .
3 She giggled suddenly and took another swig from the bottle , carelessly wiping away the champagne that trickled down the sides of her mouth with the back of her hand , in a gesture that proved to this man she was n't the least bit impressed or intimidated by his overbearing attitude .
4 He stopped suddenly and took another mouthful of lamb .
5 I jumped in and frothed about a bit , then went back inside and made some coffee .
6 She turned away impatiently and opened another case .
7 They beat everyone brutally and captured five people , including myself .
8 We arrive at school , just before nine o'clock and had seven hours of school to look forward to .
9 In Acts we have two vivid descriptions of what has come to be called the communism of the early Church : ‘ All who believed were together and had all things in common ; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all , as any had need ’ ( Acts 2:44–5 ) ; and ‘ No one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own , but they had everything in common …
10 Later the same four were all coupled together and ran full length of the Museum trackwork light-engine , again especially for the photographers present .
11 He and Shaffer got on well together and became firm friends .
12 Subsequently we became lifelong friends , sailed many miles together and shared many adventures .
13 Those groups welded people together and provided collective community action .
14 It was quite surprising how when in a disaster the whole community pulled together and helped each other out , and there were a fair number of people who really were having problems .
15 We worked together and backed each other up on lessons and instruction periods .
16 Unfortunately Lady le Fleming 's agent appeared to take Leathart 's advice a little too literally and caused great concern to the partners by proposing a covenant binding them to prevent " all water " from filtering down into any part of the mine below Deep Level .
17 And she went away and produced that document after we 'd given her the brief .
18 We 've , we 've soaked up a lot of pressure without having too many goal attempts at us , and then we 've broke away and scored two goals ; the plan 's worked a treat and I was due to do something right .
19 He buried it again and then went away and realised enough capital to buy the field so that he could claim the treasure .
20 With an effort she looked away and made some remark to one of the schoolteachers and became consciously absorbed in the conversation which followed .
21 With likes of Ken Wright , Roger Gould and Enrique Rodriguez ( nice bow tie , Rico ) , they threw the beer cans away and ran some beauts .
22 Delaney took out the nearest , then rolled away and sought new cover .
23 He attended a primary school some miles away and tried secondary schools but without a great deal of success .
24 After that , Mabel got carried away and bought some china cups — on sale at bargain prices , because they had lost their matching saucers — and Florrie bought a cobweb brush with a special extending cane handle , for getting up into those awkward comers of the ceiling .
25 Pamela grinned wickedly and took another sip .
26 She was knitting to cars as one single motif on her Silver Reed but had put the point cams on incorrectly and had one car in the middle and two half cars either side .
27 unless the local printer 's very cleaver somehow and got that advertising to sponsor er the booklet they 've had to charge for it .
28 Jack was on call anyway and had more reason to be there than her , but if anything that was an added incentive to stay .
29 He was waiting for her outside and wasted little time in virtually hustling her outside to where his car was waiting for them .
30 After each show I want to come outside and hit those guys in the nose .
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