Example sentences of "[adv] and [pron] [is] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Provided K is large enough and there is a feasible solution , no optimal solution , for any set of costs modified in this way , contains basic variables exceeding their upper bound .
2 The environs of the waterfall are pleasant enough and there is no suspicion of the Peril 's dark secret unless a small opening under the overhang of the cliff alongside is noticed : this insignificant hole admits to the largest cave system in the valley , underground passages extending for more than half a mile below and far beyond the road in a succession of tight crawls and large caverns .
3 When using only flake all the food is fine enough and there is no need to sieve it .
4 Unfortunately it 's not big enough and there 's no consistency .
5 No one goes in the boathouse much and it 's a high place .
6 ‘ The beauty of the system is that the information is there instantaneously and there is no more scrapping around with bits of paper , ’ says Mr Hodgson .
7 which effectively determined this case in the courts below and it is the law as so stated which the appellant prosecutor now challenges as an unwarranted judicial gloss upon the statutory language , as opposed to a legitimate construction of it .
8 You go on regardless and there 's a bloody red light down there !
9 And it 's easier to get along with brother so and so and sister so and so , but for goodness me I find , I find it ever so difficult to talk to sister so and so and there 's an area perhaps that we can er think about , stay awake by being respectful and obedient and that 's something that is very important because it 's completely opposite in the world today , respect for all authority and obedience to it is absolutely gone by the ways I find refrain from criticism and careless talk so there are the main points , but as we say we ca n't go into them all , well , so what we 're going to do is to try and just highlight one or two little areas which we could er enlarge on or put the magnifying glass on , so shall we do that ?
10 " Open " meetings of any of the Anonymous Fellowships are there for all to observe who wish to do so and it is a scientific and academic disgrace that experience of this successful method of treatment for a major disease is not a compulsory ( or even an acknowledged ) part of standard undergraduate or postgraduate medical curricular .
11 So and it 's the same thing with the preferences .
12 Indeed , where success is possible with a pass mark of 50 per cent or less and there is a choice of questions on the examination papers , two pupils may pass who have little in common beyond having attained the same grade .
13 The polymer chain can be regarded as a series of small segments covalently bonded together and it is the effect of this chain connectivity which leads to deviations from an ideal entropy of mixing .
14 One friend said : ‘ They 've spent a lot of time together and there is no problem there . ’
15 But these characters interact like chemicals : put two in a room together and there 's an explosion : put another two in the same room and they form a kind of oil .
16 You see the same thing in our kind of business , but we 've really been operating in international markets for much longer and it 's a slower process .
17 Our favourite night clubs , The Albatross and Monaco 's , are literally a stone 's throw away and there 's a great selection of restaurants to choose from !
18 — it gives out with some mess that I might normally eat but now it sort of blows away and there 's a whole muddle of emotion in my …
19 Like if it 's one metre away and there 's a car going across .
20 ‘ When it 's really flaming away and it 's the wood burning and not the Paraffin , then you put the lid back on loose , It may be that you 've over-filled , which is fine .
21 If any client suffers personal injury , including illness or death whilst overseas arising out of an activity which does not form part of the inclusive holiday arrangements or excursions as described above and which is the responsibility of a third party , we will give you help in your resolving of any claim you may have against that third party .
22 Two of them at New Drove are downstairs and one is an upstairs .
23 We live downstairs and there 's an old lady called Mrs Parker who lives upstairs .
24 whatever disagreement there may be about size , there can be no doubt that this sector will not disappear easily and there is every evidence to show that with the economic crises of the 1980s , it has been increasing .
25 You 've got to take your mind off this horrible business somehow and it 's a sin to waste this glorious weather . ’
26 It would n't be so bad , er she 's not a nervous type normally and it 's the only person that 's sort of made her go completely nervous .
27 According to , ‘ this provides early support for those that need it and is cost-effective for the company , because an employee is back to productivity sooner and there is no extended sick leave ’ .
28 Back in January , at the beginning of the hearing , Baker said ‘ No plutonium produced in CEGB reactors has been applied to weapons use either in the UK or elsewhere and it is the policy of the government and of the CEGB that this situation should continue . ’
29 Surprisingly , he told Theo nothing of this drama until the late autumn , when he wrote that ‘ perhaps you know about it already and it is no news to you ’ .
30 ‘ Voluntary groups are providing the services already and there 's no reason they should not continue to do so on behalf of the SSD , he says .
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