Example sentences of "[adv] be [conj] [n mass] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Being aggressive is just as bad as being submissive it really is because people swing to one side you know it some people are very good at being aggressive and are very good at diving in and getting their own way and just ju by being aggressive it 's naturally aggressive .
2 One reason may well be that people living in the same locality share , whatever their class position , similar material positions .
3 The most important thing to understand here is that people try to re-establish some sort of control over their situation .
4 The belief here is that people have a basic right to control their own destinies and that , if they are allowed to participate in the analysis and design of the system that they will be using , then the implementation , acceptance and operation of the systems are more likely to be successful .
5 But what happens then is that people stop telling you things .
6 What one must say however is that people interpreted their awareness of God in terms of the age in which they lived .
7 I could if I just pick up one other point about you know , like the the non-standard times , or the non-standard occasions when we do fire evacuations currently er , I do n't know where we think the fire is but we all troop out via our normal fire exits and to our normal assembly ports erm , it maybe men , maybe an idea to do some fire evacuations where we stayed where the fire actually was and people have got to take other other routes to evacuate the building .
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