Example sentences of "[adv] be [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Presbytery has not encouraged party political participation and it has only been because we felt certainly that Dr Paisley 's position , that the country needs it and we felt that he should be allowed to go .
2 ‘ I think he will win , but it has only been when he has had the sun on his back in the last couple of days that he has really come on . ’
3 The final reason for ignoring human actors can only be that they do not matter .
4 If I were looking for a fault with the conception of the series , it could only be that it lacks a single volume overview of the whole of the development of quantum theory , a volume concentrating on the broad sweep of ideas and leaving out the mathematical detail .
5 Nor did she think he could ever feel anything but shame for the way he treated them ; if he was now ready to pretend otherwise , it would only be that he saw some advantage in it .
6 It 'll only be after I 've m met a few people and photographed them well , that maybe my name will be start to be mentioned around That is another reason for courting the Trade 's Council and any other councillors that come in .
7 It could only be because they had something to hide .
8 It seems as though the world is going on , everybody rushing about their daily tasks , but surely this can only be because they have not yet heard the news or else they too would feel emotionally paralysed .
9 Everyone knew how important punctuality was to Laura ; she believed if you arrived late it could only be because you had not started out early enough .
10 But if you do , even though the evidence seems stacked against me , it can only be because you love me too , for that 's the only thing that could overcome a mistrust as deeply rooted as yours . ’
11 It would only be if they suspected that something odd was going on .
12 It will only be when you see the results of your actions that you realize how effective they have been .
13 And the net result of all of these things together is that it narrowed the cost value differentials between U K and overseas holidays .
14 That 's what I 'm saying , right , now , what I 'm saying is there 's a , that , that , is , there 's , there 's , there 's , there 's things , there 's things , there 's guides to be able to do that , right , and the guide is there 's certain things you do and certain things you do n't do , because what you do basically is that you close him on his final objection which is what you 're just saying you did , right , but you close him on his final objection , how did you manage to close him on his final objection ?
15 We also showed that grade two do significantly better than grade three , but most importantly perhaps is that we showed that patients with a vascular count that are less than twenty one do significantly better than patients with a vascular count of greater or equal to twenty one .
16 So the easiest thing really is obviously is if I get the thing sorted out and then , turn it
17 ‘ I 've heard it said that the only reason we got the contract with Talkin' Loud is 'cos we know Gilles .
18 One reason why that will be so is that we have a coherent approach to Europe , not one that changes every weekend .
19 His motive for doing so is that he thinks that English verse has been ill-served by prosodists in the past .
20 The ICRF is such a worthy cause and what makes it particularly so is that it uses just 8p out of every £1 for administration , meaning 92p really goes on advancing the research , ’ she said .
21 The reason why these had survived so long was because they required the most money spent on them — in the case of valley bottoms , to pay for initial drainage and then to maintain it — to make them yield their full potential of arable and pasture .
22 She gives her half-laugh and tells me she does n't know how old people generally are when they get married .
23 Raging at Felipe had just been because she 'd been shocked and scared for him when she 'd seen him take off into the air .
24 Er I mean it could just be that they do n't like it , so anything which they do n't like is grating or
25 That can not just be because they have a lot of flotations and rights issues to work on .
26 That may just be Cos you 've got good circulation , in fact , down here .
27 He said it would just be until I got myself sorted out , and then I would get him back straight away .
28 He looked long and searchingly at the Banks of Knamber that tonight were as they had been then before the moon rose , grey and pale as a sky dotted with tiny black clouds .
29 The other reason why women should organise and educate separately is because we have more important work to do than to have our attention and energy continually claimed by men .
30 The reason I have given it the temporary title referred to above is because I have witnessed at least two name exchanges at the station in recent months .
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