Example sentences of "[adv] be [adj] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As an electronic medium using the airwaves , TV has necessarily been subject to governmental and inter-governmental controls on the frequencies that may be used and the coverage allowed to each transmitter .
2 Many insects can detect ultraviolet light , while the vision of the common goldfish ranges from ultraviolet to far-red : achievements that we have only been able to equal in recent years with the development of sophisticated electronic equipment .
3 The recommendations outlined below are applicable to temperate areas of the northern hemisphere , but the principles can be adapted to local conditions elsewhere .
4 The roots below are whitish to black , according to the age of the plant .
5 The generality of the ANLT system will obviously be ill-suited to certain aspects of any specific problem .
6 The loss of basic medical sciences can only be detrimental to clinical teaching and research and to the staff of university hospitals .
7 Does this mean that the " best " jobs will only be available to Compact ?
8 What is unfair can not sensibly be subject to different standards depending on the source of the discretion to exclude it .
9 Some highly general tendencies , which will necessarily be subject to subsequent refinement and caution , can serve to represent the scene .
10 They had to adapt their movements to cover a larger space which was like a box with one side only being open to public gaze .
11 Affirming that " practically every leader agrees that negotiation is the key to reconciliation , peace and a new and just dispensation " , and in support of the government 's " declared intention to normalise the political process … without jeopardizing the maintenance of good order " , de Klerk announced changes which he said removed some of the most important obstacles to negotiation , namely ( i ) the lifting of the ban on the ANC , the PAC , the SACP and a number of subsidiary organizations ; ( ii ) the release of those imprisoned for membership of one of these banned organizations ( but not members imprisoned for politically motivated crimes involving violence ) ; ( iii ) the abolition of the media emergency regulations and of the education emergency regulations , although restrictions would remain on " visual material pertaining to scenes of unrest " ; ( iv ) the removal of restrictions imposed on 33 organizations under the state of emergency , including the National Education Crisis Committee , the United Democratic Front ( UDF ) , the Congress of South African Trade Unions ( COSATU ) and an extreme right-wing group , Die Blanke Bevrydingsbeweging van Suid-Afrika ; ( v ) the lifting of personal restrictions imposed on 374 people already released from detention ; and ( vi ) a six-month limit on detention without charge under the emergency regulations , with detainees henceforth being entitled to legal representation and their own choice of medical attention .
12 The popular church , with its base in the CEBs and animated by Liberation Theology , feels that risks must be taken to right the social and political evils of the world and so is sympathetic to revolutionary movements .
13 The properties of a spherical curved surface which have been highlighted above are common to other curved two- and higher-dimensional spaces of interest .
14 Evaluation of its performance is hazardous because it has not generally been subject to commercial practices and norms [ Pryke , 1981 ] .
15 Second , the occurrence of a strong global correlation between GNP and temperature does not necessarily mean that a cooler , more seasonal climate inherently favours socio-economic development ; it is arguable that such a relationship could be a fortuitous consequence of the high-latitude origins of modern industrialization , with that situation subsequently maintained by political and financial structures that have generally been disadvantageous to tropical nations .
16 For example , an office held at pleasure might nevertheless be subject to procedural fairness where the statutory scheme would be less effective if the right to be heard were not implied .
17 Although microspectrophotometric measurements are usually made by passing the beam transversely through the outer segment , our measurements of cells in these foveal patches were necessarily axial ; the absorption spectra may thus be subject to minor distortion by inert pigments in the inner segments , by waveguide effects , or by scattering in other retinal tissue .
18 Had the national insurance pensions been increased by an additional £5 a week over and above the inflation rate , and supplementary benefit uprated by the rate of inflation only , then virtually all of the 1.4 million claimants would no longer be entitled to supplementary benefit .
19 First , simple diffusion of chemicals could provide the signals ; secondly , if patterns are laid down in such small fields , their later development may largely be due to programmed growth .
20 A dispute as to the interpretation or application of an international convention may arise between many of its parties but a claim of breach will normally be specific to particular parties .
21 People who would normally be entitled to small weekly amounts of disability working allowance or family credit if they took jobs , are to be paid instead with an advance of up to £104 to make benefits for those who get jobs appear more attractive .
22 Each of the theoretical approaches outlined above is vulnerable to specific criticisms .
23 To some extent , the nature of competition described above is similar to other financial markets .
24 The survival of the historical record has always been subject to natural and man-made forces .
25 The open fields themselves had always been subject to piecemeal enclosure , even as early as the fourteenth century .
26 Great-Aunt Alicia had always been susceptible to good-looking men , Sara reflected , and then had to admit to herself , but never feeble-minded about them .
27 Yet Christianity is a religion that has always been open to rational criticism when its critics have been granted the freedom to make their challenge known .
28 Uniforms have always been attractive to certain women , and the flame-retardant overalls have become pretty much a uniform .
29 Be the percussion instrument or animal noises to accompany tape being played , the animals sound like are delightful to young ears while the percussion band will appeal to older children who wish to begin beating time more acc- accurately .
30 However , exports to non-E.E.C. countries in their currencies will still be subject to fluctuating exchange rates and Northern Ireland exporters will need to continue using the various mechanisms available to them to minimise exchange risks .
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