Example sentences of "[adv] be [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst numbers of full-time farmers had fallen by 28% in the past ten years there had only been an 8% reduction in the number of part-time farmers .
2 There 'd apparently been a Friday night meeting though the chairman had gone to New Zealand the day before at which new directors had been appointed .
3 This region has long been a spawning ground for Croat hotheads who dream of annexing this area to Croatia .
4 Marrakesh has long been a winter watering hole for the rich , the chic and the famous and the Shah had arrived at the height of the tourist season .
5 Gregory Butler has long been a field leader in this domain .
6 Banbury had long been a market town of importance , and acquired a modest industrial capacity in the nineteenth century .
7 Images which parallel food and the body have long been the staple diet of art ; as the body became increasingly edible in Godfrey-Isaacs ' earlier work , so the current series also has its ‘ food appeal ’ .
8 The lands below are a patchwork quilt across which armies of ants march and countermarch .
9 Below are the carb heat controls and there is a carburettor induction temperature gauge on the panel with a Left/Right engine switch .
10 It is possible to do away with demons and still cling to a belief in the Devil , but once the Devil is denied then ipso facto so are the demon hordes .
11 Birsay folk are always considered very broad and so are the Harray folk .
12 So are the food producers and the transport companies , who face the exercise of near-monopoly market power by over-dependence on the five big supermarket chains .
13 So are the downstairs fireplaces . ’
14 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
15 Hot Club Not only are the Paris Studio recordings free ( for those who are prompt ) , you have the added novelty of watching comedy on the radio .
16 Not only are the pub interiors themselves of the nondescript , open-plan kind , but the barn to the rear has been wholly mutilated .
17 After the shop girl stopped giggling at my enquiry , she explained , handkerchief on mouth , that Brack Loaves with rings inside are a Halloween tradition .
18 Three interesting features inside are the box pews , the semi-circular altar rail , and the stone lectern dating from Norman times .
19 The researcher who ‘ attacks ’ a social situation would be the prosecution , the researcher who ‘ defends ’ would obviously be the defence counsel .
20 Not only so be the monitor progress in the work so we do n't get ourselves bogged down as we have done before and not managing to carry out the work that 's needed .
21 Thus , whereas a horseman 's work formerly revolved almost entirely around his horses , his modern counterpart must not only be a tractor driver but a ‘ general farm worker ’ — a mechanic , a labourer and perhaps even a part-time stockman , too .
22 ‘ It will only be a village school .
23 And now there was the loud crashing retort of what could only be a pistol shot , joined immediately by the rattling , roaring sound of thunder in the sky .
24 David Clark thought there might be some need for review while Adrian Bird felt that a blanket prohibition should only be a starting point which should be used in conjunction with local knowledge .
25 At work , he could only be a trade unionist .
26 The equipment need only be a sponge filter , air pump and heaterstat .
27 I could only be the Shangri-La Singapore .
28 Lastly , the United Kingdom argued that , if any national of a member state could establish himself in another member state and , without more , exercise the same right to fish as that enjoyed by the nationals of that latter member state , it would not only be the quota system which would be undermined .
29 Churchyards should not only be the resting places for our bodies , but could , with very little effort , be transformed into glorious meadows buzzing with bees and butterflies — wildlife service stations in arable and urban deserts .
30 Formulas of this kind can only be the starting point in a process which always demands a sophisticated approach .
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