Example sentences of "[adv] the [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually the ALP emerged as the winning party with an expected overall majority of eight seats .
2 Eventually the Orcs sent to the east for reinforcements , and a huge Orc army headed up towards the Black Fire Pass from the Badlands , which in those days encompassed the whole of the area which would come to be known as the Border Princes .
3 Eventually the CIA stumbled on the fact that North was privately diverting these missing millions to the Contras .
4 Eventually the Shaws came across the Rectory in the village of Ayot St Lawrence , three miles north-west of Welwyn in Hertfordshire .
5 Perhaps the Gaskells behaved like outsiders but the community was there , ready and open to them ; all they had to do was to slip into the place that was offered .
6 These elephants are trained to make obeisance to the Sultan and incline their heads , and when they do so the Chamberlain cries in a loud voice : ‘ Bismillah ! ’
7 So the CLPD pressed for three major reforms .
8 Iraq on Feb. 15 announced an offer to withdraw from Kuwait , complying with UN Security Council Resolution 660 , provided that ( i ) there was a complete ceasefire ; ( ii ) all subsequent resolutions on the conflict were annulled and economic sanctions lifted ; ( iii ) coalition forces withdrew completely from the region within one month of a ceasefire being declared ; ( iv ) Israel withdrew " from Palestine and the Arab territories it is occupying in the Golan and southern Lebanon " , or that in the event of its not doing so the UN passed against Israel resolutions identical to those passed against Iraq ; ( v ) Iraq 's " historical rights on land and at sea " were guaranteed ; and ( vi ) the " political arrangement to be agreed " should proceed from " the people 's will and in accordance with democratic practice " , and not on the basis of " the rights acquired by the al-Sabah family " .
9 And so the Danube waltzes over the Austro Hungarian border , curling through a land rich in culture and home to some very strong wines .
10 Robin Cook , shadow trade and industry secretary , said : ‘ Michael Heseltine must now tell us how much the DTI knew about weapon deals with Saddam and why they connived at arms exports instead of controlling them . ’
11 In theory evacuation turned the child population over to the State — although , in practice , however much the TES called for it , government did not make evacuation compulsory .
12 ‘ About three o'clock the Gurkhas came alongside us and we were told an attack on the Aubers Ridge was to be launched .
13 The vote was 294 to 62 , with only the PDS voting against the proposal .
14 Given the composition of Council , it is likely that only the DTI stands in the way of adoption of this proposal : if it is adopted , I hope we will be spared further sanctimonious claims to the high ground by the Institute , and that it concedes it is operating predominantly in the interests of ( some of ) its members .
15 Only the Karens remained outside this atmosphere of unity .
16 Thus the EC adopted in 1970 the Werner Plan which envisaged the creation of a European monetary union through " the irrevocable fixing of parities and the total liberalisation of capital movement , " by 1980 .
17 Thus the Moluccas discovered by going eastabout would , by the logic of some explorers , belong to Portugal .
18 The Bizet is given a sparkling performance too , while generously the Ravel comes in the complete ballet version , even more hauntingly atmopheric than the usual suite .
19 As an NPT signatory , North Korea continues to violate flagrantly the IAEA safeguards by repeatedly denying inspectors access to its nuclear facilities .
20 But somehow the BNF pull in the parliamentary crowds , as they did last autumn , when it organised a heavyweight panel including Con Allday , managing director of British Nuclear fuels Limited , Ned Franklin , director of the National Nuclear Corporation , Sir Walter Marshall , chairman of the CEGB , and Lewis Roberts , not only director of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell , but now also chairman of the recently formed Nuclear Industry Radioactive Waste Executive directorate .
21 As a result , the proportion of revenues originating from outside the UK rose to around 27% , with the Far East and US performing particularly well .
22 Finally the Willeys went for a celebration Sunday lunch … and had to make do with cold cuts because there had been a fire in the pub kitchen .
23 And finally the Danube dances past Vienna , home of the waltz , great composers and superb cream cakes !
24 Meanwhile The Counterlife attributes to Henry the verdict that ‘ exploiting and distorting family secrets was my brother 's livelihood ’ .
25 But meanwhile the Disarmers grew in numbers and in influence .
26 And still the Han crowed about it .
27 He must have asked Sharpe a score of times to dress in Dutch uniform , yet still the Rifleman appeared in his ancient , tattered green coat .
28 Yesterday The Independent spoke to three Kurdish men picketing the Home Office who all said they had suffered torture and imprisonment in Turkey and were frightened to return .
29 Hence the PFA concentrated on making small gains .
30 Hence the Laplace transform of unit impulse is or The Laplace transform of a delayed unit impulse is of course
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