Example sentences of "[adv] as we have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The results were much as we had expected in an extremely tough year , ’ said Mr Heath yesterday .
2 Not so long as we 've got the stuff .
3 That Madam , Gary used to say , she 's been forty for as long as we 've known her .
4 Whatever we want from our lives now — the Booker Prize , a recording contract , a promotion , a Porsche convertible , the girl at the Virgin Megastore checkout desk — we can not possibly have coveted it for as long as we have cherished dreams of football glory , dreams which have remained fundamentally unchanged since childhood .
5 I do n't lie to him especially as we 've got a obviously .
6 I struggled on for a while , but I know my limitations when it comes to design , especially as we have grown to expect a high standard in QP .
7 ‘ We lost a lot of custom that night , especially as we have built up quite a good reputation . ’
8 ‘ It would be pleasant to lift the McKillop Cup especially as we have had a tough campaign so far .
9 Against this can be set the fact that the following chapters present very full accounts of their lives and works which should at least allow readers to make their own judgments , especially as we have included ( in an appendix to the book ) details of our ‘ SADS-L ’ procedure .
10 Only as we 've lost the last one , I 'm hanging on to , it 's hanging in my wardrobe , I 'm not making a third one
11 Sadly , I can not share your optimistic conclusion , which implies we will always muddle through together as we have done so often in the past .
12 [ Finally as we have mentioned before it is now necessary for me to obtain a Corporate Finance Engagement Letter and we enclose two copies of our standard letter .
13 Thus as we have seen Darwin pulled a plank out from under the creation stories .
14 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
15 So er says right , I 'll see you later , and just as we 'd gone away Joke got back out the car er , and she says do n't worry about the money .
16 Just as we 'd closed the window and were breathing a sigh of relief there was a loud knock on the door .
17 It 's unfortunate your big end 's gone just as we 've run out of lanolin , will axle grease do ?
18 In that erm just as we 've discussed the allocation of work on the airframe between the four nations on m most pieces of equipment there is a an allocation between the four nations and er in in many cases a consortium with the same members has actually won the competitions on five or six different pieces of equipment .
19 They could forgive this young man , just as we had to forgive the man who failed to secure his trailer , or they could allow bitterness to completely neutralise everything God was doing in their lives .
20 Then , just as we had begun to enjoy the blissful peace and calm of spring , the wedding season reached its climax .
21 Just as we have adopted an intuitive approach to the concept of set so we shall allow our intuition to guide us in the matter of whether or not an explanation is logically acceptable : to formalise the notion of acceptability would take us too far afield , into symbolic logic .
22 We can say , too , that if there are large creatures in Loch Ness , then they would appear on sonar just as we have recorded them .
23 ‘ We have rejected quality in expression , just as we have rejected quality in the buildings in which we work and educate . ’
24 ‘ We have rejected quality in expression , just as we have rejected quality in the buildings in which we work and educate . ’
25 Different species of lemur occupy different living spaces just as we have seen with the guenons of the African forests .
26 When men are hungry they require to eat ; just as we have done . ’
27 One assumption is that any intelligent species will in due course develop a technology , just as we have done .
28 We write AK = KH as unc Just as we have done earlier , we can evaluate the n2 unknowns progressively .
29 An individual will go through the process just as we have outlined it already .
30 Just as we have found it convenient to think of genes as active agents , working purposefully for their own survival , perhaps it might be convenient to think of memes in the same way .
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