Example sentences of "[adv] as [pers pn] have been " in BNC.

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1 " Spain has managed to maintain those areas much as they have been since the Middle Ages , because industrial development here has been much slower than in other European nations .
2 One year into marriage he became irritable , demanding and critical , much as he had been in earlier relationships .
3 MUCH AS he has been donning the hornrimmed glasses and adopting his Clark Kent persona of late , Curtly Ambrose has few equals when it comes to persuading a cricket ball to move faster than a speeding bullet or leap tall batsmen in a single bound .
4 This was largely but not exclusively an obsession of Congregationalists , much as it had been of mediaeval bishops .
5 The coach drove back through Cardiff , and past the High School — which looked , and was , much as it had been .
6 Notwithstanding the views that have found favour with others I consider this to be a reasonable construction of the statutory provisions and I am comforted in the fact that , apart from an attempt to tax airline employees , which was taken to the special commissioners who decided in favour of the taxpayer , this has been the practice of the Inland Revenue in applying the relevant words where they have occurred in the Income Tax Acts for so long as they have been in force , until they initiated the present cases .
7 Any one of us may also apprehend an individual whom we know to be , or whom we have reasonable grounds for suspecting to be , guilty of such an offence as long as it has been committed .
8 ‘ Back home in Australia , you can play for my university there , Queensland , for ever , so long as you 've been there at some time .
9 I have been in favour of regional government for as long as I have been in politics .
10 For as long as I have been conscious she has been out there in front of me , dodging arrows , triggering ambushes ; doubling back to brief me on the safest and fastest route forward .
11 Especially as we have been the better side 3 out of 4 matches .
12 Its huge success grated even more , especially as it had been a Labour paper until Murdoch had bought it and turned it into a cornerstone of his international media empire .
13 Many of the university members of CASS and its boards were opposed to the principle , especially as it had been adopted before the arts and social studies had any real influence in the CNAA .
14 The dean in his address expressed his pleasure in installing the new mayor , especially as he had been asked to serve as his chaplain during the mayor 's year of office .
15 ‘ Words just ca n't express how I feel about the man who did this — especially as he had been drinking .
16 Especially as he has been getting a rough deal from some sections of the crowd .
17 As long as he was there , nothing was different , it was all as it had been when he came back on Tuesday , even the baby next door was moaning sleepily , and from the open window in the living-room he could hear a dog helping outside .
18 It was an absolute disgrace , it really was a disgrace , and so as we 'd been informed by somebody at , now do n't ask me who cos I do n't know , but from one of the public meetings we held , er they said you can phone up any time and you y the rubbish would be collected .
19 so as he 'd been trying to get through it was always engaged .
20 We value this regular service highly as it has been a source of up-to-date information which is readily available on a weekly basis .
21 And learning together as we 've been reminded more than once than this morning engages us all irrespective of age , irrespective of experience it engages everyone and it 's worth emphasising that the quality of learning does not depend upon the size of a congregation !
22 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
23 Fierce local loyalties and rivalries were the life-blood of the amateur football leagues just as they had been in parish recreations a century before , and this carried over into commercial spectator sport , which offered a new kind of community life and identity .
24 The mouth of the river seemed ten times its normal width , while about half a mile out to sea hundreds of trees stood upright , supported by their enormous roots , just as they had been carried down in the flood .
25 You found the dead embedded in the walls of the trenches , heads , legs and half-bodies , just as they had been shovelled out of the way by the picks and shovels of the working party .
26 Certainly Terry , Brian and I knew that close friends had been campaigning for us and that that experience could have changed them , just as we 'd been changed by what we had gone through .
27 It was in darkness , just as it had been when they had been there earlier that evening .
28 It was all there , just as it had been the previous night : the exhilaration , the mounting excitement , the warm , wonderful sensation of not being isolated and lonely .
29 A shiver ran through Theda 's body — the frame that was near a shadow of itself , just as it had been that long-gone day in March .
30 Everything had to be maintained just as it had been — for the day when Isabelle returned to Les Hiboux .
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