Example sentences of "[adv] as [pron] [verb] our " in BNC.

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1 Much as we love our Church , we know it falls far short of its inheritance of faith .
2 President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine denied Tory MPs were looking for a new leader , saying : ‘ We know that so long as we keep our nerve and pursue policies that are important we can come through .
3 We have to recognise it for what it is ; to see it as a way of generating understanding and knowledge , yielding ideas and theories which are accepted for as long as they help our understanding of evidence , but which are constantly superseded and changed when new evidence is obtained which conflicts with them .
4 We have to recognise it for what it is ; to see it as a way of generating understanding and knowledge , yielding ideas and theories which are accepted for as long as they help our understanding of evidence , but which are constantly superseded and changed when new evidence is obtained which conflicts with them .
5 And speak your own language , please : we 'll even teach it to you in our schools to prove how understanding we are , just so long as you do our dirty work for less wages than our own kind are prepared to accept : just so long as you keep yourselves to yourselves , and do n't let your children marry ours , because what we 're all terrified of , so terrified the word 's gone out of the vocabulary .
6 My mother was very kind — she was very fond of music , of Wagner in particular — but I do n't think our parents found it very easy to understand my brother and myself , especially as we had our own private language which no one could work out .
7 And it 's only as we fulfil our function with the body .
8 A rope can : be what binds us all together as we make our journey through the secret caves
9 Just as we derive our reality and uniqueness from the life of God the Trinity , so true human intimacy derives its reality and validity from God 's love given to us .
10 We can understand the heartbeat of Augustine , Bernard of Clairvaux , Julian of Norwich , Teresa of Avila , Martin Luther or John Calvin , just as we know our own fears and our longings .
11 Just as we create our individual world with our mind , so we participate in shaping the Universe in which we exist .
12 Almost as soon as we reached our cruising level we heard a German voice , ‘ D- , I am IMC , I must descent . ’
13 However , as soon as we reached our new vantage I understood the real reason why he had wanted to move .
14 Although we did not appear to have a direct hit in any vital part ( and the engines were spared ) as soon as we dropped our bombs , and the photo-flash meant we had a picture of where we had left our load , we turned for home .
15 As soon as we turn our attention to the source of police errors we find that they do not , in the main , spring from malpractice , ill will or even slackness , as is sometimes supposed .
16 ‘ As soon as he beat our sweeper , I knew it was unstoppable .
17 The weather improved gradually as we worked our way towards Scotland throughout the following night .
18 Hopefully as we improve our business , we may indeed see TV advertising in future years and we hope that we will become as well known as IBM , 3M or ICI . ’
19 If so , we English Poundians , even as we castigate our countrymen for clinging to the norm of the amateur in an age when that norm is unserviceable , may well spare more than just wistful nostalgia for this ideal that survives among us only in a debased and anachronistic version .
20 And please help us today as we go our different ways to work , to school , to nursery .
21 Yet life is a dream-metaphor , which we create just as surely as we create our dreams — and our Higher Self will often communicate through ‘ mundane ’ everyday events .
22 We must approach observations of linguistic behaviour with the same careful attitude as we approach other kinds of behaviour or indeed as we approach our electrophysiological observations .
23 Then as we commissioned our team for what is at the time of writing known as the King 's Arms church we experienced a pouring out of the gifts of the Spirit on those elders and leaders who were praying for the team : it seemed everyone had a word of instruction , a revelation , a tongue or an interpretation for the strengthening of the church .
24 She reminded me what she wanted me to do , then as we neared our house I became frightened that she would fall foul of Mum .
25 He was always smiling and greeted us most amicably as we broke our fast in the great hall .
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