Example sentences of "[adv] as [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively the retained profit could be deducted from a calculation of the profit and loss account balance carried forward so as to arrive at the profit and loss account brought forward .
2 He thought to take Mr gross salary in the present financial year , to reduce it by a third to get from gross to net earnings and to do similar calculations for the rest of the three and a half years so as to arrive at the figure of fifty three thousand nine hundred and six pounds .
3 The writer Valentin Rasputin , reflecting some of these concerns , went so far as to complain at the Congress of People 's Deputies in 1989 of ‘ Russophobia ’ on the part of other nationalities .
4 I thought I was quite a reasonable driver , I got as far as running at the front in World Sports Car Championships erm finished on the podium several times in International Formula Three erm
5 The statistical resemblance is measured by comparing mean values and ranges of actual and simulated sequences , as well as looking at the distribution of runs of wet or dry days .
6 you could median split them at whatever the medium was and then you 've got two groups to compare erm because it usually looks quite nice if you 've got something comparative as well as looking at the average sort of , you know , pattern of responses on the questionnaire .
7 Hitler reminded his audience of his grim ‘ prophecy ’ for the first time in his Reichstag speech on 30 January 1941 , and in 1942 returned to it in no fewer than four major addresses , on 30 January , 24 February , 30 September , and 8 November , as well as hinting at the destruction of the Jews in the war in his ‘ New Year Appeal ’ .
8 Therefore , you are bound to feel thwarted , frustrated as well as exhausted at the moment — quite unable to get your point or message across and still in two minds regarding certain plans and moves .
9 The pressure for an increase in wage levels , at least as agreed at the local branch or shop-floor , steadily mounted , and in the 1977–8 pay round settlements averaged over 1 5 per cent .
10 There were two notable features of the museum community 's response to this ongoing crisis , at least as manifested at the convention .
11 Work should therefore be rapid and finish in time for the Louvre 's exhibition of ‘ The Marriage at Cana ’ which is going ahead as scheduled at the end of September .
12 Closure of most of the manufacturing operation will go ahead as planned at the end of the month , when production of mobile phone equipment will transfer to other GPT factories , but a small facility will continue to meet demand for handsets .
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